maanantai 29. huhtikuuta 2013

In articulo mortis

One day, like Robert Walser in the snow
transported by death to be a character in his own work,
you will quit existence, cut off with the
firm hand of a seasoned censor modifying
reality and everybody who knew you
will desperately try to fill or ignore the hole
you left, the hole to the abyss that wrenches
our guts when we still exist by it's message:
"Nothing in life matters."

Only ignoring the necessity can we live on,
refusing to recognize our fate as much as we can,
so that we can go on, past the figure laying in the snow,
past Victor Segalen sitting with his back on the tree,
looking at the opened Hamlet forever with
eyes that no longer see, in his endless
early summer, endless death, a symbol
of easy passing. It came as a moment
of surprise, him a victor in Russian
roulette, dying not knowing what game
his failing body played, looking at the
many years before him, thought
which hid the abyss from his mind
when his heart stopped.


sunnuntai 28. huhtikuuta 2013

In memoriam Lew Welch(1926-71)

I was reading Lew Welch's letters
and a tremendous outburst of pity
came rushing up in my mind,
flooding it.

You should
have stayed in the marketing,
Lew, written poems on the side,
not let yourself adrift in the
world of bohemian literature,
where even the big sharks
often enough ended up finned.

One day you left on your
long walk in the mountains,
all alone, and it's still
unfinished. Let it be
beside a clear rushing stream,
in the shadow of trees,
that you await to be
caught up.


Today I am angry,
writing poems wishing the death of the president
- mine, although I did not vote for the bastard
with a first name derived from the bible -
and ridiculing members & voters of his bourgeois party;
it's all about class, of reading
about a doctoral thesis, envy,
hate and all myriad repressed moments
when I was nice and polite to those
arrogant, snobbish arseholes
thinking that I would make it,
that it would be worth of all
the grovelling and turning the other cheek.
I didn't, it was all for nothing,
and now, on this fine spring evening,
I want to rip all of them into pieces,
appendages falling
into pools of the brightest red.

Reflection of the blue sky of spring evening
in a muddy pool nestling between the roots
of a tall, leafless birch tree,
wavering in the wind.


torstai 25. huhtikuuta 2013

All the rich people of the world,
what can they do for us?

Should they go on "creating wealth",
doing the magic of capitalism,
letting us to feed on morsels
dropping from their loot
being carried to tax havens?

As economies, societies, states
and the multitudes of people
buckle under the weight,
falling on their knees,
carrying on their back
this Olympus of greed -
should this go on?

Should they go on bribing
the politicians, buying
the courts and getting
the laws and regulations
they want?

Should we still believe
in their myths,
let them get away with
trampling people
and the planet alike?

It's either them or us,
it's either a world
worth living for,
a worth living in,
or a hellhole ruled
by the heartless,
a planet wasted,
humanity enslaved
for greed of those
who wallow in
wealth like pigs
in mud.

What they can do to us,
the wealthy,
is to hang themselves
before they are hanged.

St Andrew's Hospital, 1964

Perhaps there was some kind of cosmic, unsympathetic karma
at work, balancing the scales and then some more,
when "Bosie's" only, mad, childless son
ended up incarcerated for thirty-seven years,
the sins of the father and the grandfather amply
laid upon his schizophrenic back, and
I wonder whether in the end the younger orderlies
any longer bothered to say "Lord" or "Sir"
to the madman who was there before they were born,
in the former General Lunatic Asylum for the Middle and Upper Classes,
a place for genteel madness, separate from
the common people, the descendants of bad blood.

The future was born dead,
buried in secret,
and the past wheeled out
in it's place as the
wrinkled infant
of hope.


lauantai 20. huhtikuuta 2013

A long walk as the Sun sets,
shadows combine
and light retreats
over undulating hills;
orange, red the horizon
like in the memories
flooding my mind,
past joining today
like the patches
of shadows coming together
as evening. The
embers of today
briefly ignite
from flames long gone,
and for a moment
my fragments
separated by time
are one.


perjantai 19. huhtikuuta 2013

If you kill, kill with a drone
and you fly far above the law,
no manhunt for you,
no shootouts with the police,
but a firm belief all around
that no one can touch you
even when you keep killing
and hundreds lie dead.

Killer of little children, master of the drones
lamenting the death of a child in a bomb attack,
speaking about justice
and either he believes it
or he's a great actor,
and when he goes back to his oval office
another list of proposed people to be murdered
to go through,
to choose who might be left out,
who to be killed with collateral damage,
lines of dead bodies,
children, women, old people
in pictures of some Reuters photographer
getting little attention
when Boston gets so much.
This is the world, this is the morality
that makes people
build bombs and let them explode
in public places among crowds,
killing eight-year olds watching their father run;
the rank hypocrisy, the long lines of the dead,
the indifference towards the lives
and suffering of others.
For injustice is a seed from which
violence grows, acts
of evil begetting evil.


tiistai 16. huhtikuuta 2013

37 dead in bomb strikes and
shootings in Iraq yesterday,
over a hundred dead in Syria's civil war.
Small news items and then
3 dead in Boston, USA, and
the world media goes wild
in it's eagerness to prove
how lopsided it is,
how all human beings
are not equal to it.
Over 100 dead in Syria,
thirty-seven dead in Iraq,
but the three dead in Massachusetts
leave all the other dead in their shadow.
When all lives are not equal to you,
dear world media,
you show the same attitude
as whoever planted the bombs
in Iraq, Syria and - yes, United States.

It's raining, drops hitting brown puddles
among mud and snow,
and I shiver,
this late, autumn-like spring
full of so much sorrow
that is again coming into view.
Ruins of lives, like a dead season,
seen again, longed for again.


maanantai 15. huhtikuuta 2013

Days of early spring,
so gray, so wet, so muddy.
Deciduous trees with their leafless,
out-streched branches,
begging the weeping sky
for a brief sunlight to pierce the white clouds
that almost hug the earth -
brief sunlight, a coin for the beggars
standing silent beside the
gravel roads snaking through
the brown fields,
dark evergreen woods of the taiga
slowly marching to the north.
One hot day, after hundred orbits
of the Earth around the Sun,
the forest will stand,
still short but ascending,
on the shore of the Arctic Ocean.


sunnuntai 14. huhtikuuta 2013

Spring rain,
snow melting in
the morning mist,
thoughts lost
among the gray clouds,


lauantai 13. huhtikuuta 2013

Time tears and throws away
the petals of the flower of life
until all are gone
and the blossom itself,
discarded, falls on them.


perjantai 12. huhtikuuta 2013

Nabi Saleh

Three or four dozen people
marching down the gravel road
in brilliant sunshine,
past the white houses
on to the fields,
and there, waiting,
few jeeps and a handful
of occupation soldiers,
waiting with tear gas
and rubber bullets.
The very act of walking
on their own land
is now an act of defiance
out of necessity


torstai 11. huhtikuuta 2013

Let me be the wind
between the stars,
let me be the dust
from which planets are born.

Let me be the salt
in oceans of planets yet unborn,
let me be the first breath
of billions of beings to come.

Let me return
to what I was before thought.
Let me be again
the universe from which I was born.

It's raining on Saturn,
from the rings water
a rain
that has lasted
billions of years,

Land and time


Sadness of the long ages, time flowing like a river
through the valley carving the ruins and the land,
felling forests and giving them birth,
making rudimentary roads and raising villages,
bringing pestilences and famines to feed the soil,
ever moving time flowing through the valley
as the ruins crumbled and were joined with new ones
the slow decay as what was human built
sought to join with the nature,
slowly throwing away it's form so that the
feet, mind and hand that walked and worked the land
didn't recognize the natural stone from the man carved one,
the hills created by the ice age from a one
raised as a monument to his kin so long gone to dust.

The time flowed, the river broke it's banks,
the human beings came and went
and where once were their graves
soon were meadows, a forest, a field
throwing up bits of bone to the farmer to wonder
beside his neighing horse.
Snow fell, sun shined, rains came,
and one day someone picked up
his white bone in amazement,
walked in muddy boots to the house
to call the authorities just in case,
and time flowed to the moment
when his grandchild with frantic fingers
would push numbers in her cell phone
when he laid collapsed, heartbeats slowing,
on the same field seeing the clear, blue sky
darkening on the edges of his vision
as time left him on it's bank.


maanantai 8. huhtikuuta 2013

We are just
a spark of light


perjantai 5. huhtikuuta 2013

Once I was something else,
the sovereign of endless possibilities
- so many paths before me
to that last sunrise, last breath
and now,
I am a caged prisoner
of my own choices
facing a cul-de-sac
and all those paths are closed,
all traces lost of
what once glittered in the light
of the first morning
as a promise,
those barely discernible lives
that I buried
on my way here.


keskiviikko 3. huhtikuuta 2013

Can it ever be possible
to be free of past mistakes,
of misdeeds, of good acts
not done, of evil witnessed
without intervening, of
kind words not said when
still able, of the times when
red rage took over, when
anger dictated words,
when we were less
than we could have been,
when we didn't help,
when we offended,
when we tormented,
when we were the bad guy,
when we were the reason
for sorrow, for pain,
when we were
on the wrong side?


Those acts built us,
moulded us, shaped us,
made us, are us.
We are all the wrong
we have done,
have thought,
have witnessed,
have heard of
or read of
without acting.
We are the sum
of our own sins.

Anger and love must collide
and beget a revolution
that shakes the humanity
in all possible ways
and never ends.

Mind, body, streets, nature
- the whole planet
to the last individual
must be a battlefield
where revolution is waged.

A revolution of action,
a revolution of pure, free drinking water.
A revolution of thought,
a revolution of silent contemplation
in the mountains empty of human voices.
A  revolution of stones against tanks,
a revolution of tanks against banks.
A revolution of the human spirit,
a revolution of kindness towards the oppressed,
a revolution of anger against oppression,
a revolution of love for all that lives
and will ever live.

A revolution where everyone leads
and everyone follows,
a revolution where fight is for all
human beings who live,
who ever lived,
who can come into existence.
A revolution to last until the end
of the universe and beyond.

To Iain Banks

Others prepare to exit,
others to enter the stage of life
to play the roles in commedia arte
that suddenly veers into tragedy,
ripping the masks away,
revealing the flesh and the pain
that come together as existence. 

Another day dying,
Sun reaching the gate of the underworld
to fight the beastly menagerie.
A dung beetle shall
push it up in the sky again,
a Sisyphus of re-creation.

You could as well carve
your name in water
as in a tree trunk or a rock.
Time shall erase it
like cleaners clean graffiti
from the cityscape.
But before that
it has erased you.


For far too many
"Western" people
the only lives that matter
in the Middle East
are those of European Jews
murdered 70 years ago.
