sunnuntai 30. elokuuta 2015

Autumn. Nowadays I always fear it,
the dark evenings, the black nights,
the trees shedding their rust-coloured leaves,
the endless cloud-covered skies.
The herald of the bleak winter to come.
Black, brown, gray, white
the colours of the landscape -
and often of the mind also.
But in these last two days I have felt
the flickering of an old love I once had for autumn
- for beauty and light at the moment it's
endangered, perishing
and the most fragile, beautiful and important
to us, not taken for granted,
but embraced tightly.

To Prometheus

Stealing the fire is not enough,
my dear giant,
it needs to be turned against those
who hid it -

otherwise, it's chains
and eagles eating liver
on Caucasus

while humankind still
languishes in it's own unseen chains,
in servitude to those who would
deny the light from it.


tiistai 25. elokuuta 2015

Rudyard Kipling(1865-1936)

It was a damn shame you died of ulcer back in 1936.
You should have taken better care, sought medical treatment in time.
You died too early. Missed a lot!
1937 - Eire declares independence. What a pity you didn't live to see it...
And the big year of 1947 - India's independence!
You should have lived to see it, the end of your world.
Every imperialist oppressor deserves that much,
to live long enough to see the end of their world built on injustice.

Barack Obama

A Tale of American Zionism

After all the public humiliations,
the unconditional support that brought only more humiliation,
and having given tens of billions of dollars in exchange of nothing,
promising to give tens of billions of dollars more,
he said that he wanted to believe that he was
"an honorary member of the tribe".

No one rose to say that he was.
No one came to him then or afterwards, shook his hand saying that he was.
No one wrote afterwards to say that he was.


lauantai 22. elokuuta 2015

Night air stands still expecting
the cold caress of the wind
that shall come from the north
while rusting leaves
fear its grip that will send them
in a spiral down to the earth
and slow decay


perjantai 21. elokuuta 2015

All crumbling,
falling in to the abyss,
piece by piece
the edifice of life
collapsing, collapsing
- gone. Dust rising.
It is over.

A Peruvian Man of Letters and an English Lady

No wonder Mario Vargas Llosa had such a crush
on the devil woman Margaret Thatcher;
she had an entourage of paedophile ministers, advisers, secretaries and celebrities,
he his sexual fantasies of barely pubescent and incestuous sex.
Around her court he could dive among those
who did all the awful things to innocents
he himself only thought of while writing and masturbating
- acts with little difference to our Mario.
The lives shattered, the murders of kidnapped kids -
it was all just fodder for his ejaculation.
She ruled over all of it, giving her blessing
and he wandered among the corrupted, adoring her for it.

The Death of Robert Walser, Christmas Day 1956

the moment before
the moment after

a man standing

a body laying in the ground
eyes open

no difference
for the snowflakes dancing in the air


sunnuntai 16. elokuuta 2015

Such a bright, beautiful morning
that I could sleep the whole day;
sank it in the shimmering blue
of the un-remembering sky
and wake to see it's embers fade
in the horizon, under the first stars.


keskiviikko 12. elokuuta 2015

Edward Heath(1916-2005)

Just because he was a famous, overweight man with no public romantic relationships
doesn't mean that he couldn't have been a sexual predator
that abused boys and girls, picking runaways from the roadside to rape
and perhaps dumped children's bodies from his yacht to the Channel.
You say he was asexual? But you said also that his personal life
was "closed" from others, didn't you? So the former is true? How do you know?
Where you there all the time, did he give you access to all his thoughts? No?
So how do you know? You don't. All those Jersey "runaways" never found,
do you think his hands were on their throats when they died? Sexual predator,
rapist, paedophile Prime Minister Edward Heath. Soon we will hear
he was raped in the grammar school by a teacher. Soon we will hear
that he was a serial killer.



I watched it from afar,
from a safe distance,

all the turmoil
that drove others' fates,

and just as I started to get interested,
getting carefully closer

it was over.
But I hardly lost much.


the rumble of the traffic from the highway
only sound in the night
the months of birdsong gone
the autumn shall now come with fast feet
and cold hands of wind
embracing the land
with the last rush of colour


tiistai 11. elokuuta 2015

Robert Conquest(1917-2015)

Robert Conquest is dead,
the old bones getting rest at last -
but Karl and Friedrich are not,
they are wherever the red flags fly
and even Vladimir twitches
a wax eye-brow now and then.


maanantai 10. elokuuta 2015

if there won't be justice
there shall be nothing

Howard Jacobson

A living warning

He has allowed his identification with an ethnic-religious identity
and the state that claims to represent it
to devour his humanity,
leaving an empty shell of a human being.

Listen closely when he speaks,
read between his lines,
and you can hear the cold, terrible wind blowing
through the empty halls of his conscience.

A human being
must foremost be just that -
a human, humane being.

Seeing humans as humans first,
without labels put on them,
empathy as her guide.

When being a human being
comes second to being something else,
whether class, ethnicity, gender, ideology or religion
then empathy, conscience
start to shrivel and die
and the excuses of evil come crawling,
putting labels on everything,
erecting flags and symbols
on conquered mind.


A morning in August.
Sunshine, little warmth, no clouds, no wind.
Coffee, without milk. Better than nothing.
The pills, all five of them.
Blood from the gums when washing
what remains of the teeth.
Deep, satisfying red in the sink.
Couldn't guess the blood cells aren't as they are supposed to be,
looks like fine blood.
A bird starts singing. Mind wanders to the milk,
the hot, black coffee on the tongue too sharp, harsh.
Wash the face, again, go out, walk
among the light and the shadows
of the morning in August.

What they see in their mirrors

The middle-classes dominate the literary novels,
the middle-classes and their middle-age,
they are the fouled mainstream -

the middle-aged middle-class man
in his middle-life crisis
left alone, the marriage on the rocks, ended,
spouse dead or runaway,
problems in the job, the unsatisfying career
(and the unsatisfying sex);
he meets a younger woman,
goes on a travel, learns about life,
finds a part of his old self, buried
("What happened to me?")
and in the end stands facing choices....

How often I have read this novel!
No more!

The middle-class woman approaching middle-age
in her mid-thirties crisis,
unsatisfied with her husband, children
and career, sex (or the lack of them),
afraid of growing old without ever living.
Enter a man - and old boyfriend, a family friend,
a colleague.... you know the list.
An affair, soul searching, a decision to be made
- all that "Shall I live for myself?" pondering.
In the end, a choice to be made...

How often have I read this novel!
Never again!

Give them rope and a guide how to make a hangman's knot,
give them sleeping pills and proscription drugs,
say it's painless to die this way or that.
Let your characters go and do not bring
the same old middle-aged middle-class drama remake
to the stage of words to go through the same old scenes,
of these middle-class agonists on their sub-urban anthills
I have had enough!


lauantai 8. elokuuta 2015

Beautiful minds are like butterflies:
Most of them fly and live

To Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822)

From the bottom of the same sea
which took your life,
carried your body in its bosom
to that shore where
everything but your heart burned -

from the bottom of the Mediterranean,
a sight worthy of your Ozymandias:
Twelve meters in height,
fifteen tons in weight,
a Mesolithic monument
that sank with the island it stood on
nine thousands and three hundred years ago.

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away. 

From beyond memory,
the sole monument
to people whose world
in its watery grave sleeps.


perjantai 7. elokuuta 2015

The one who wanted to escape

Those cold eyes of yours,
all depth but no feeling,
with vast indifference
our dreams swept aside,
the foolish lusts of ungrown men

- for yours were different dreams,
of vast wings opening
to carry you out of this
pale, gray existence
to the sunshine above the clouds.

And we, we were the mole-men
trying to take you
down among the roots,
the damp scents of the soil
where we dug ever deeper from the Sun.


torstai 6. elokuuta 2015

The news from Yemen's war

Taiz is in the hands of Hadi's forces,
or Saudi or perhaps it's little helper United Arab Emirates.
No one seems to know.
Houthis and Saleh lost it,
the spear broken in Aden,
driven back.
I doubt they will lose, though
- few lose wars nowadays;
the Tamils were the last.
Wars just go on, in one form or another,
a Protean spectacle of murder,
on and on while lives end
and wars do not.

Sacred Prostitution

Only a man can declare
- and even believe -
that "sacred prostitution"
is anything more than
sex from an abused
in exchange of money
to temple coffers.

Neither in Mesopotamia of old
or India of today
did and do men seek 
holiness through intimacy
from women forced to serve
as temple prostitutes,
priestesses or not -
no, we know what they seek:
Intercourse, the tenth or twentieth
of the day for the woman or the girl.


keskiviikko 5. elokuuta 2015

The Most English of Authors

One of the many problems
David Herbert Lawrence
endured in his life
was that he was born with
a second anus in the place of a mouth.

To David Herbert Lawrence(1885-1930)

They should have put you in the mines
and never allow you out 
like one of those asses;
you could have contemplated the mysteries
of life and soul
in the flickering light of lamps and candles,
in the heart of the land,
deep, deep underground.
They should have put you in the mines.

They should have put you in the mines.

A Short Gospel

Either you are a human being, a true human being
capable of and showing compassion and empathy,
or you are nothing. Nothing at all.
Be a true human being. There is no alternative
for Homo sapiens sapiens. Those without
compassion, those without empathy,
those who do not give when giving is needed,
those who do not offer a hand when others
need help to rise up, those -
those are nothing.
