sunnuntai 25. lokakuuta 2015

Third Intifada

The least that Palestinian youths facing Israel's bullets with stones in occupied E. Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza deserve is that the world notices them

Look at them, the Palestinian youths whom Israel's friends in the "West" would happily see occupied, imprisoned & caged all their lives.

If you are not going to help, at least acknowledge that they exist, that they matter, that they bleed, get wounded, that they die.

If you are not going to be their ally, be at least witness to their courage, their moment of defiance, their wounds, their deaths.

That's the least which can be asked from you - that you open your eyes, look and see these youths' ongoing struggle in the same world in which you live.


lauantai 24. lokakuuta 2015

Tom Disch(1942-2008)

One day Tom Disch,
Tom Disch the once good author,
Tom Disch with the great future behind him,
stopped spouting racist vitriol in the web
long enough to notice
that most he hated himself.


perjantai 23. lokakuuta 2015

Those who claim
that suffering ennobles
have never suffered.

Suffering breaks,
twists, crows ice around
your heart,

makes you lash out
in anger and pain,
makes you someone else.


lauantai 17. lokakuuta 2015

The only thing we really need
until the end
is hope.

Be the final wave
to come up to my shattering shore,
sweeping it away
in your embrace.


keskiviikko 14. lokakuuta 2015

Immortality in literature

Blessed is the author
known by the future generations only
from her or his great fame
without having any surviving work
to blemish it.

The Nobel Prize for Literature

The only prize Philip Roth deserves
or needs is a
castration without painkillers

and having to eat his
dick raw.

Gaius Cornelius Gallus(70-26 BCE)

You should not have been so eager
to wash away the shame of ambition
with death's bitter remedy,
as at one pentameter and nine lines 'of inferior quality'
stands your lyric legacy
after time more merciless than Octavian
has wrought its punishment
and left these as your poetic monument.

You should have pushed death's release away,
put words down and sought Octavian's forgiveness
as poet through flattery and praise,
and your political ambition
would have been forgiven if not forgotten,
your ambition to be remembered as a statesman
buried, like those nine lines in the sands of Nubia.

Peter Whigham(1925-1987)

Oxford, I read, and sighed
and was ready to consign you
to one of the lower reaches of
Dante's Hell, but then those
redeeming words "largely self-educated";
no Don then, from privileged background
taught by Dons from privileged backgrounds
lecturing youths from privileged backgrounds.
Curse the Ford of Oxes.
Sleep well, or travel
from Purgatory to the Celestial Paradise.

Gone is the poet; we shall not mourn

We shall not mourn Catullus;
he was privileged, he raped boys
and he enjoyed great happiness as
much as he suffered great sorrow;
great love was his, great gift of poetry
was his, as he is now Hades'.


sunnuntai 11. lokakuuta 2015

Time to start all wars

Once they fought a war
to end all wars,
now we heirs
live in a time
to start all wars,
the waves of violence
rising high
crashing lives and countries
and all certainties,
begetting lineages of conflicts
towards a darkening future.
