keskiviikko 9. joulukuuta 2015

Nefer from the night came

From the night, the little wolf-hound runs
to the light, the open door,
over the black pools
gray wanderer of starless dark,
from the embrace of the woods
to the safety found
under the kitchen table.


tiistai 8. joulukuuta 2015


Must evil be allowed to be exist
only because it's evil made in name of Jews and Judaism?
Is it really 'lesser' evil then,
because Star of David shelters those who do it?
Or is all evil equal, is it true that
the background of evildoers
can't raised be as a shield to cover them?
Humanity, I ask you - are we all equal?


sunnuntai 6. joulukuuta 2015


Now to war we go -
and war is a necessity and a joy,
truth a collateral damage with the kids
of the tormented, torn flesh
with their eyes forever closed -
until one day, one day
we shall shake our heads,
look around and regret,
and wonder and say never again,
until again the fever shall catch us,
that eagerness to see the planes take off
and headline claims of many bad guys killed,
the information a solid mirage...



If I don't appear contradictory,
you have misunderstood me.
Those, who push a straight path
of thought through this world,
make violence to feeling and
reason alike, forcing unity
where character fragments.

On Independence Day the opinions of the very old
are suddenly gold; on lesser days
those who cherish them on that one day
cut and cut to make their last years hard,
yet on Independence Day flocking to hear
what grand words these untended totems of the past
have to say in their one day of glory out of
three hundred and sixty-five.

The open veins of the world
sending waves of red
to carry us all forward
into days of future death.


maanantai 30. marraskuuta 2015

To Dino Barberini

Rest in power

Freedom will come,
freedom will come
and you will be there smiling, Dino,
among the crowd, under the flags,
you will be there smiling, Dino,
when freedom comes to Palestine.


torstai 26. marraskuuta 2015

No ethnic-religious grades in suffering

They tell me "it's a different thing"
when Jews are oppressors instead of oppressed;
I see no difference -
oppression is oppression -
and thus they call me an anti-semite,
and oppression "self-defense",
like the past oppressors of Jews
would not have had their own vocabularies of justification
that attempted to make wrong right.
It's always "the same thing". Always.
Your suffering is no more important or less important
than anyone else's. To know
and acknowledge this is to have conscience,
empathy, compassion, humanity -
things that Zionists of all hues lack.


tiistai 24. marraskuuta 2015

If I change, if I am not who I was,
if it's a different me who again and again
steps in the cold stream and feels
the polished stones under his feet,
my toes,
then the mistakes of the past
would have not been mine
- then I would be a victim
of those past incarnations,
abused by those vanished men
who left me in their skin.
I refuse that.
I am the sum of my past errors.


torstai 19. marraskuuta 2015

TV shows indoor cycling, web wants to tell me
what new there is about Paris and Raqqa
where once Harun al-Rashid had his court.

Bombs are falling, I wonder about making coffee
but there's little milk to go with it, so perhaps
I just drink some water, mug or two down
my parched, swollen throat as explosions
lighten the skies and how many forcefully conscripted,
how many enslaved die with those in black masks tonight?

Its not that I don't care about Paris, but
what about Beirut or Baghdad or Yemen -
eight months of war and the allies of the "West"
have not made a single move against al-Qaeda or IS,
but of that we must be silent, because even after Paris
geopolitics and realpolitik reign supreme.

Don't hold back emotions, let them guide
your support to our rulers, those who have none,
that's what they want from us, in tricoleur
supporting more war while our leaders and our allies
spare no thought to bringing peace forth in place of war.

Brief, brief the light of a November day.
Low, low the milk-gray clouds.
High, high the swift birds rise.

Among the mud and the rain
the fallen leaves decay,
among the mud and the rain
the dead grass lies.

Pale, pale the light of a November day.
Cold, cold the wind over the fallow fields.
Slow, slow the rain falling on naked branches.

All those Yankee Rangers and SEALSs
like insects limbs cut of in hands of boys just being boys
and why not, they are not fully human,
perhaps not even part,
rabid Yankee stains on the globe.


maanantai 16. marraskuuta 2015


The afternoon falls into darkness
and fog, November evening
a brief walk, through muddy pools,
into the starless night. Somewhere
along the way I lost what words
I had gathered from among the shadows.


lauantai 14. marraskuuta 2015


Making history with bullets,
painting the path to greater war
with blood, bodies
as signs - "Go to Syria"
and Hollande, after the
death of the victims and the perpetrators,
"We will be merciless."
In Raqqa the wounded self-declared Caliph
must nod in approval;
what is loss of Sinjar compared
to the deaths that are to come?
So the red rivers
to the ocean converge.


maanantai 9. marraskuuta 2015


Sulaiman Aqel Muhammad Shahin, age 22.

Another death.
Another life taken.
Another car riddled with bullets.
Another body laying on the ground within a circle of colonialists.

"But we are the victims!" say the colonialists.
The living colonialists, each with their gun and smart-phone taking a trophy photo.
The living colonialists, on occupied land illegally,
with the native dead in their feet.

Yes, they are the victims, because... because they say so.
We must believe it.
We must repeat it.
Because otherwise, antisemitism.

Sulaiman is dead.
We see him in photos
making a joke,
with a baby in his arms,
sitting with a Fatah flag behind him,
laying on the ground, dying or dead.

I condemn Israel.
I condemn Zionism.
There are no victims among adult colonialists.
Israel has no 'right to defend itself'.

Sulaiman had a right to live,
Sulaiman had a right to live free,
Sulaiman had a right to live free in a free Palestine.
Sulaiman lived his entire life under occupation.
Sulaiman is dead.
Palestine lives.

Support the oppressed, oppose the oppressors.
Don't let love or hate blind you.
You can't go wrong.


perjantai 6. marraskuuta 2015

At the heart of life
a growing void
where memories like cliffs
by the side of a sea
fall eroded sinking
beneath the waves
of lost past.

Fields of late autumn,
birds circling in silence
hung between
frost and cold sky.

Let the world take your pain away
and give it back to you
magnified, with a rosary.

To Pablo Neruda(1904-1973)

So they killed you Pablo
took a few months or perhaps a year
from an old man fearing what you would say
out there in exile again
racing against death and dictatorship
So they killed you Pablo
they killed you
but here you are still
living in millions of hearts
on pages uncounted
we feel your heartbeat
your voice rising like the tide
on the shore of the Pacific
immortal enduring
sending still lovers into embrace
revolutionaries onto streets
engraving the fallen into collective memory
of the people

the naked branches of trees
along the edge of the clearing
in the silence of a November afternoon
begging something
to come out of the fog
the frosty ground


torstai 5. marraskuuta 2015

a mat of fallen brown leaves
all over the green moss and dead grass
all over the green moss and dead grass
a mat of fallen brown leaves
like memories atop memories

Fashionably politically incorrect

Burning the intestines of
Michel Houellebecq
while life still flickers
in the eyes
of his castrated body.

Martin Amis,
alas, is already dead,
with his own shit
in a pool of his own vomit
and urine.

There they lie,
side by side,
the fallen weasels of literature.


sunnuntai 25. lokakuuta 2015

Third Intifada

The least that Palestinian youths facing Israel's bullets with stones in occupied E. Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza deserve is that the world notices them

Look at them, the Palestinian youths whom Israel's friends in the "West" would happily see occupied, imprisoned & caged all their lives.

If you are not going to help, at least acknowledge that they exist, that they matter, that they bleed, get wounded, that they die.

If you are not going to be their ally, be at least witness to their courage, their moment of defiance, their wounds, their deaths.

That's the least which can be asked from you - that you open your eyes, look and see these youths' ongoing struggle in the same world in which you live.


lauantai 24. lokakuuta 2015

Tom Disch(1942-2008)

One day Tom Disch,
Tom Disch the once good author,
Tom Disch with the great future behind him,
stopped spouting racist vitriol in the web
long enough to notice
that most he hated himself.


perjantai 23. lokakuuta 2015

Those who claim
that suffering ennobles
have never suffered.

Suffering breaks,
twists, crows ice around
your heart,

makes you lash out
in anger and pain,
makes you someone else.


lauantai 17. lokakuuta 2015

The only thing we really need
until the end
is hope.

Be the final wave
to come up to my shattering shore,
sweeping it away
in your embrace.


keskiviikko 14. lokakuuta 2015

Immortality in literature

Blessed is the author
known by the future generations only
from her or his great fame
without having any surviving work
to blemish it.

The Nobel Prize for Literature

The only prize Philip Roth deserves
or needs is a
castration without painkillers

and having to eat his
dick raw.

Gaius Cornelius Gallus(70-26 BCE)

You should not have been so eager
to wash away the shame of ambition
with death's bitter remedy,
as at one pentameter and nine lines 'of inferior quality'
stands your lyric legacy
after time more merciless than Octavian
has wrought its punishment
and left these as your poetic monument.

You should have pushed death's release away,
put words down and sought Octavian's forgiveness
as poet through flattery and praise,
and your political ambition
would have been forgiven if not forgotten,
your ambition to be remembered as a statesman
buried, like those nine lines in the sands of Nubia.

Peter Whigham(1925-1987)

Oxford, I read, and sighed
and was ready to consign you
to one of the lower reaches of
Dante's Hell, but then those
redeeming words "largely self-educated";
no Don then, from privileged background
taught by Dons from privileged backgrounds
lecturing youths from privileged backgrounds.
Curse the Ford of Oxes.
Sleep well, or travel
from Purgatory to the Celestial Paradise.

Gone is the poet; we shall not mourn

We shall not mourn Catullus;
he was privileged, he raped boys
and he enjoyed great happiness as
much as he suffered great sorrow;
great love was his, great gift of poetry
was his, as he is now Hades'.


sunnuntai 11. lokakuuta 2015

Time to start all wars

Once they fought a war
to end all wars,
now we heirs
live in a time
to start all wars,
the waves of violence
rising high
crashing lives and countries
and all certainties,
begetting lineages of conflicts
towards a darkening future.


sunnuntai 27. syyskuuta 2015

raindrops and a leafs
fall scatter in the wind
to the gravel the muddy pools
reflecting skeleton trees still green grass
of the yard under the clouds
covering the sky
the blue that edges into space
merging with the void

autumn plays
the strings of grief
in the cavities
of my mind

there is no "now"
no moment in which we exist
there is the past gone
the future yet to arrive
the future that
sublimates to past

we are the dead past
of an unborn future
rising from dust

we are all
dead and forgotten
in the future


torstai 24. syyskuuta 2015

Call Me Dave

The rich should be debated with a guillotine
- or, if you prefer the old English way,
hanging, drawning and quartering.

And then a boar can a decapitated swine fuck.


lauantai 19. syyskuuta 2015

The Politicians

Minds of supposed human beings
grow the most fetid things Earth carries,
seeds of poison and suffering
growing, asphyxiating,
strangling all that is good,
all that should live
when these caricatures of human beings
should discarded in heaps lie,
but now on thrones of media
they keep on lying.


Half an hour of sunlight,
the evening's medicine
for this autumn day
now in utter dark dying.

Watching football,
reading awful poems by Samuel Beckett,
drinking coffee
and running to the lavatory
on orders of diarrhoea,
in this sea of ink
I sink.


torstai 17. syyskuuta 2015


golden forest


sunnuntai 30. elokuuta 2015

Autumn. Nowadays I always fear it,
the dark evenings, the black nights,
the trees shedding their rust-coloured leaves,
the endless cloud-covered skies.
The herald of the bleak winter to come.
Black, brown, gray, white
the colours of the landscape -
and often of the mind also.
But in these last two days I have felt
the flickering of an old love I once had for autumn
- for beauty and light at the moment it's
endangered, perishing
and the most fragile, beautiful and important
to us, not taken for granted,
but embraced tightly.

To Prometheus

Stealing the fire is not enough,
my dear giant,
it needs to be turned against those
who hid it -

otherwise, it's chains
and eagles eating liver
on Caucasus

while humankind still
languishes in it's own unseen chains,
in servitude to those who would
deny the light from it.


tiistai 25. elokuuta 2015

Rudyard Kipling(1865-1936)

It was a damn shame you died of ulcer back in 1936.
You should have taken better care, sought medical treatment in time.
You died too early. Missed a lot!
1937 - Eire declares independence. What a pity you didn't live to see it...
And the big year of 1947 - India's independence!
You should have lived to see it, the end of your world.
Every imperialist oppressor deserves that much,
to live long enough to see the end of their world built on injustice.

Barack Obama

A Tale of American Zionism

After all the public humiliations,
the unconditional support that brought only more humiliation,
and having given tens of billions of dollars in exchange of nothing,
promising to give tens of billions of dollars more,
he said that he wanted to believe that he was
"an honorary member of the tribe".

No one rose to say that he was.
No one came to him then or afterwards, shook his hand saying that he was.
No one wrote afterwards to say that he was.


lauantai 22. elokuuta 2015

Night air stands still expecting
the cold caress of the wind
that shall come from the north
while rusting leaves
fear its grip that will send them
in a spiral down to the earth
and slow decay


perjantai 21. elokuuta 2015

All crumbling,
falling in to the abyss,
piece by piece
the edifice of life
collapsing, collapsing
- gone. Dust rising.
It is over.

A Peruvian Man of Letters and an English Lady

No wonder Mario Vargas Llosa had such a crush
on the devil woman Margaret Thatcher;
she had an entourage of paedophile ministers, advisers, secretaries and celebrities,
he his sexual fantasies of barely pubescent and incestuous sex.
Around her court he could dive among those
who did all the awful things to innocents
he himself only thought of while writing and masturbating
- acts with little difference to our Mario.
The lives shattered, the murders of kidnapped kids -
it was all just fodder for his ejaculation.
She ruled over all of it, giving her blessing
and he wandered among the corrupted, adoring her for it.

The Death of Robert Walser, Christmas Day 1956

the moment before
the moment after

a man standing

a body laying in the ground
eyes open

no difference
for the snowflakes dancing in the air


sunnuntai 16. elokuuta 2015

Such a bright, beautiful morning
that I could sleep the whole day;
sank it in the shimmering blue
of the un-remembering sky
and wake to see it's embers fade
in the horizon, under the first stars.


keskiviikko 12. elokuuta 2015

Edward Heath(1916-2005)

Just because he was a famous, overweight man with no public romantic relationships
doesn't mean that he couldn't have been a sexual predator
that abused boys and girls, picking runaways from the roadside to rape
and perhaps dumped children's bodies from his yacht to the Channel.
You say he was asexual? But you said also that his personal life
was "closed" from others, didn't you? So the former is true? How do you know?
Where you there all the time, did he give you access to all his thoughts? No?
So how do you know? You don't. All those Jersey "runaways" never found,
do you think his hands were on their throats when they died? Sexual predator,
rapist, paedophile Prime Minister Edward Heath. Soon we will hear
he was raped in the grammar school by a teacher. Soon we will hear
that he was a serial killer.



I watched it from afar,
from a safe distance,

all the turmoil
that drove others' fates,

and just as I started to get interested,
getting carefully closer

it was over.
But I hardly lost much.


the rumble of the traffic from the highway
only sound in the night
the months of birdsong gone
the autumn shall now come with fast feet
and cold hands of wind
embracing the land
with the last rush of colour


tiistai 11. elokuuta 2015

Robert Conquest(1917-2015)

Robert Conquest is dead,
the old bones getting rest at last -
but Karl and Friedrich are not,
they are wherever the red flags fly
and even Vladimir twitches
a wax eye-brow now and then.


maanantai 10. elokuuta 2015

if there won't be justice
there shall be nothing

Howard Jacobson

A living warning

He has allowed his identification with an ethnic-religious identity
and the state that claims to represent it
to devour his humanity,
leaving an empty shell of a human being.

Listen closely when he speaks,
read between his lines,
and you can hear the cold, terrible wind blowing
through the empty halls of his conscience.

A human being
must foremost be just that -
a human, humane being.

Seeing humans as humans first,
without labels put on them,
empathy as her guide.

When being a human being
comes second to being something else,
whether class, ethnicity, gender, ideology or religion
then empathy, conscience
start to shrivel and die
and the excuses of evil come crawling,
putting labels on everything,
erecting flags and symbols
on conquered mind.


A morning in August.
Sunshine, little warmth, no clouds, no wind.
Coffee, without milk. Better than nothing.
The pills, all five of them.
Blood from the gums when washing
what remains of the teeth.
Deep, satisfying red in the sink.
Couldn't guess the blood cells aren't as they are supposed to be,
looks like fine blood.
A bird starts singing. Mind wanders to the milk,
the hot, black coffee on the tongue too sharp, harsh.
Wash the face, again, go out, walk
among the light and the shadows
of the morning in August.

What they see in their mirrors

The middle-classes dominate the literary novels,
the middle-classes and their middle-age,
they are the fouled mainstream -

the middle-aged middle-class man
in his middle-life crisis
left alone, the marriage on the rocks, ended,
spouse dead or runaway,
problems in the job, the unsatisfying career
(and the unsatisfying sex);
he meets a younger woman,
goes on a travel, learns about life,
finds a part of his old self, buried
("What happened to me?")
and in the end stands facing choices....

How often I have read this novel!
No more!

The middle-class woman approaching middle-age
in her mid-thirties crisis,
unsatisfied with her husband, children
and career, sex (or the lack of them),
afraid of growing old without ever living.
Enter a man - and old boyfriend, a family friend,
a colleague.... you know the list.
An affair, soul searching, a decision to be made
- all that "Shall I live for myself?" pondering.
In the end, a choice to be made...

How often have I read this novel!
Never again!

Give them rope and a guide how to make a hangman's knot,
give them sleeping pills and proscription drugs,
say it's painless to die this way or that.
Let your characters go and do not bring
the same old middle-aged middle-class drama remake
to the stage of words to go through the same old scenes,
of these middle-class agonists on their sub-urban anthills
I have had enough!
