tiistai 31. joulukuuta 2024


 Who puts an unbending wall,
and not a wire fence, at the end
of a runway to stop people
and non-flying animals
from getting on the way
of airplanes, landing
and taking flight in their
endless migration? It must
have seemed to make sense
to those who decided on it, to
draw the line, to raise a wall
that stops everything except
the soaring aeroplane, the denizens
of the air we build it to emulate.
A clear straight line across
the world, like the one built
to steal more land for foreigners
immigrating in aeroplanes to kiss
the ground of a nation living
in bombed refugee camps.
It must have seemed to make
sense, yet now 179 people
are dead, because their plane
didn't tear through a fence
giving way for its sliding bulk,
but hit that stolid wall built
at the end of their lives, an ending
towards which their lives
had been approaching through
all their preordained decades,
a wall built to draw a line
across the world to make
it a simpler, more easily
controlled place, with
179 less lives now.


Verse #Verse Poetry #Poetry Poems #Poems Poem #Poems

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