lauantai 12. lokakuuta 2013

Nearly silent, nearly silent - Simon Schama on the BBC

“…in some sense if you don’t live in Israel – I don’t live in Israel – you’re morally obliged to be nearly silent, nearly silent.”

Simon Schama: The Story of the Jews, episode 5, broadcast Sunday 1st October 2013.

How blind are those that put
ethnic, religious or ideological allegiance
above justice and morality!

Simon Schama tells about
the past suffering of the Jews
and then demands "near silence"
about what Israel does
to Palestinians.

He should be an intelligent man,
but he isn't intelligent or wise enough
to understand that
when Jews were the ones who
were oppressed,
who suffered,
people like him stepped forward
demanding that their suffering
would be met with silence.


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