torstai 18. syyskuuta 2014

In auctumnus

Autumn forests
in the pale light
of the September Sun

the songs have ended
the nests are empty
now it's time for jackdaws

yellow leaves
like the brief thoughts

the mind entertains
on these walks
outside the frame of thought

of warm, long days
and warm, white nights
of gone summer

the autumn has it's own
thoughts, these brief
sentences that slip away

like breeze lifting them
beyond the reach of thought
and to the damp muddy earth

now the winter is coming
the long dark days
of pure white and chill

with it's own heavy thoughts
that tie one to the frozen ground
under starless sky of clouds

so long until
in the earliest spring
the autumn returns

these empty roads
these empty forests
where the last year

this year
to bring forth new life


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