perjantai 8. maaliskuuta 2019


...and we talk of the Swede Carl
Sandburg's Chicago,
two hundred murders a year
on streets where trams, trains and horses
and a few thousand cars
crawled forth in a sea of European immigrants;
not one in four third-generation
in the great crossroad town
of rivers and railroads, dreaming
of endless growth, the emporium
of the West on the shore of its own Sea
and the future... Upton Sinclair's
Jungle where men and beasts
mingled in blood and the bloodiest
beasts climbed the skyscrapers
to the heaven of power long before Al
Capone with his syphilis wrecked body and mind
came along, not the cause
but a symptom, a parasite on a gargantuan Leviathan
gasping on the shore of its sea
it devoured with new neighbourhoods,
more museums and army garrisons to make money safe
from those that toiled for it, City Beautiful
for men in smoky rooms, long mustaches and long beards,
their tentacles running like their great Haussmannian boulevards
along the canyons where like sick and defouled river
the masses ran and were run over by cars, trams, trains and horses
and the power of the men looking down from their Olympian heights,
seeing nothing of the weary, dirty ants they
crushed with one step of their collective greed....


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