torstai 22. maaliskuuta 2018


I was one of the servants of Job,
a man once blessed with all the good things
under the Sun. A man
favoured by God, enveloped in his grace.
Working on his orchards and fields,
sleeping under his roof
I felt a small amount of his good fortune
to be mine, that good God had blessed
a wretch like me
and given me as good a place
to be as one of my lowly rank can have.
I, who are laying here, taken from the fields
of Job by the Sabaeans
and run trough by a sword
which now glimmers in the blazing sun
red with my blood. How
I thirst for a gulp of water
like I thirst for justice for my fate,
but I have none, and all the blessing
I thought I had from the Lord
is but spilled blood of mine on the rocks
beside me. I was one of the servants
of Job, a man much envied
for God's favour embraced him. I was
and now I will be no more waiting
morsels of mercy from the divine
as the world is receding in sound and sight
like the God's grace receded from Job
like the low tide takes the sea
from the shores of men.


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