lauantai 6. maaliskuuta 2021


 For their own sake,
or so they tell themselves,
the living abandon the dead.
Yes, they will remember them,
even after time has brought years
between their last meeting,
yet they will shie away from the facts
of death, the moments of pain
and desperation, when then the still living
loved one faced their end in fear.
The living abandon the dead,
and turn away from contemplating
those long moments of confusion
and utter helplessness,
when the mind fights to comprehend
and, with the body, tries to survive.
If the dead would indeed have but survived,
the now living could, with them, face
those moments as a shared experience;
but when the loved ones stopped breathing,
when their hearts stopped beating,
when their brains were starved of oxygen
& all their decades of memories,
their very being,
ceased to exist,
then a chasm opened
between those who, until then,
had been connected through
the entire life of the now solitary living.
It's a chasm that could be faced, if not crossed,
a chasm in which the living could gaze & see
the true price of being alive, to be paid at the end,
could see their own folly, shame and guilt,
and their own inevitable passing
from existence to oblivion.
Yet, the living turn away
from the dead in betrayal,
in anguished mix of guilt & grief,
as others in the flow of time will turn away -
as they themselves know -
from the yet unopened
chasms that shall come to divide
their own last moments
from the continuing lives of those,
with whom they still share
this plane of precarious existence.
For their own cowardly sake
the living abandon the dead,
refuse to acknowledge the sheer horror
of the all-engulfing death,
as only madness
could protect the brave
from all-shattering sorrow.
Yet there would be
freedom of honesty
in embracing the madness
as a price of love &
having been loved.
For this unforgivable,
essentially human, betrayal
which they pass onwards,
no one else shall fully face
the magnitude of their own coming end
after it has devoured them.
The living shall abandon us all
before the all-ending death.


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