perjantai 4. lokakuuta 2024


 The Israeli Jews are scared, tries
a British columnist the old excuse,
that they live in fear of a second
Holocaust, and then he demands
that we must not condemn, but
understand these people who
have killed hundreds each day
for an entire year and escalate
the slaughter before our eyes;
if only we would buy his claims,
we can read between the lines,
then Israel could kill and kill,
crying about being afraid
while laughing on TikTok
for the horror it commits.

The British columnist writes
nothing how it feels to live
a year under Israeli bombs,
a lifetime under Israeli occupation,
these are beyond his comprehension,
he can only identify with those who
massacre entire families each day,
who are committing the genocide.
Only they matter, these supposedly
scared people shouting "May your
village burn" and posting videos
how they burn and blast apart
entire towns. The charade is over,
the obscene living in fear lie
doesn't work for the genocidaires.

Jonathan Freedland, you have lost.


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