tiistai 24. lokakuuta 2017


An author, who couldn't write
about working-class or lower middle-class
characters even if his life would depend on it.

We could be reminded of John Fowles'
whine, how he himself wanted to write
about people of his own class.

We could, but we know how it is:
Lack of knowledge
and lack of interest

towards everybody who
isn't like them - the majority -
and their lives and experiences,

Yet they expect the majority
to pay to read their books. The
single book that Alan Hollinghurst

has been writing his entire career
about the same single character
whose same experiences he clones

with endless vigour. There is
pathological belief that this
one subject Matters to All:

The university educated, artistic,
white gay man from upper middle-class
and his out-of-proportion disappointments.

Yes, we know Alan - its you.
All of you protagonists are you.
We know that is the extent of your talent.

You can look away
from your reflection now
- try to remember Narcissus' fate.


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