tiistai 3. maaliskuuta 2020


Life or death? It matters not
when you get to our age;
an age more than the years
have counted for us;
the life we lived, the death waiting,
they matter not, when
your mind is tired,
your body longs to rest.

Too many lives have ended,
too many deaths come to pass,
too many through our hands
have left life and been no more,
for us to care about the life
now crawling towards it's end,
the moment that erases all
moments before
and is called death.

Life, death they matter not
when so many lives have ended,
when so many deaths
have silenced hearts and voices
muting the world we had.
If we go crawling on  -
so be it. If we pass
away and someone has to
wash us and dig a grave,
then so be it.

This life, the death
that comes, they matter not.


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