lauantai 21. maaliskuuta 2020



I awaken to the call at three in the night,
fight with the mask to get it off,
rush through the cramped room, and
it's salvage from wrecked lives,
to grab the phone charging from the laptop,
and, still trying to fully surface,
fumble with the touch screen
with my big, fat fingers,
until I get to swipe the green
and hear your voice, angry,
but calm, fully in this world,
rooted to it, and I am relieved
listening to your complaints,
relieved to say that I was wrong
and that you are right,
sorry for what I have done,
just relieved in the midst of the night
to hear your voice,
to know you are there,
you are there and talking to me
in this great night which briefly
in separation connects us again.


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