torstai 30. huhtikuuta 2020


A middle-aged man shoots a fleeing child
in the back, then kicks him
as he lies dying, and
leaves without giving first aid
or calling an ambulance.

A middle-aged man, a colonel
in the occupation forces,
and an illegal settler
squatting on brutally occupied land,
kills a child who never tasted freedom
and died with the taste
of his own blood in his mouth.

A child whose two brothers
were killed before,
by men in the same
occupying forces' uniform,
adult men killing children
knowing murdering children
carries no punishment.
Only praise.

Later the killer will claim
that he, a career occupier
in a uniform and out of it,
was 'afraid' and felt
he was 'in danger'.
Thus bullets in the back
of a fleeing child,
and leaving him to die,
he said.

The killer's name?


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