sunnuntai 29. syyskuuta 2013

Life is an anomaly,
non-existence is normality.
The act of breathing -
inhaling, exhaling -
every heartbeat
a rebellion, a defiance
before the void.

Our inevitable defeat
should not make us
question the fight,
for continuing to fight
is a victory in itself,
for life against oblivion.

A graveyard comedy

A lonely ghoul gnawed a bone
in a corner of the small mausoleum,
among rotting coffins it sat
among bodies it once knew
when they all walked in the light
and talked the talk of men
and the sun. But now it
was darkness and the moon
and the coldness of the night
and the tomb. It sat and gnawed,
it knew not who it had been,
it just knew it had lost,
but whether it was a name,
a life or a bone with tasty marrow
it knew not and it cried in the night.

I'm Going Slightly Mad

Are they trying to tell you something

You're missing that one final screw


There are nights when you think you are going mad
and then there are nights when you realize that you have gone mad
and outside, in the darkness there is nothing;
all the horrors are inside your head,
in your mind and you think of taking them out
with a knife or beating them into silence with a hammer,
as they crawl there like maggots, white mass
that fills your skull and the knife and the hammer
are so soothing in your hand - the calm calling
of the dawn, light, silence,
and the cool coldness of sleep...

A Fragment

On his cross sat Jesus, eating a heart still quivering
when He took the first bite. Holy was he, covered in
blood dried and anew, the Risen Lord, the Father
of Vampires with his First Raised Lazarus gibbering
below, looking at the eyes that once owned the
heart and they looked back, the brightest eyes, the
eyes of an angel, feast of the Messiah.
Outside, in the darkness that was the world,
the Apostles hunted.


lauantai 21. syyskuuta 2013

Yellow, orange, red

Cold rain,
autumn's nectar
falling on
faded leaves.

Without withering months
and the long, cold winter
there could be no spring
of new green grass,
first flowers and chirping
of chicks in nests,
no hot summer days
and white nights,
without the fading of life
there could be no birth.


perjantai 20. syyskuuta 2013

What was between

The night opened your eyes
with its swift, dark brush strokes
and you awakened in darkness;
the morning closed them with its soft, pale light
that moved hesitantly over the land
as you entered another night
where the hours of the night gone
came back twisted telling
of your fears deeply buried
from the light of mind and day.


torstai 19. syyskuuta 2013

Yellow leafs floating in puddles
reflecting gray clouds, dark trees
- the shivering season before
white sleep under cold stars.

Have we not been here before?
This exact moment, this silence between us,
these frozen looks on our faces,
the rain hitting the window,
the clock ticking away.
We remember this now,
but do we remember how we
got away from this?
The light outside fades.
Hesitantly I extend my hand
over the table
and see your hand reaching for mine.


keskiviikko 11. syyskuuta 2013


We shared something
but in the end
neither of us knew what.

So we went
on our separate ways,
both still wondering

what had brought us
together, tied us
into each other

before being lost.
It must have been
something special.

This disappearing world,
this life which in myriad paths converges
towards disappointment and the void,
this moment of reflection
in the fabric of time, sinking
to the past and beyond memory,
to words trembling
in black and white
in fear of their own oblivion.
All illusion, all real,
all dance of atoms,
the soundless music of the strings.


torstai 5. syyskuuta 2013

Oh, the past, the past,
the wound that doesn't stop bleeding,
the cry that doesn't stop echoing,
the pain that doesn't stop hurting but
eats its way through the years
turning into decades
as you tumble towards death.


maanantai 2. syyskuuta 2013

To destroy printed books
you have to work with fire,

sending libraries up in smoke,

but to destroy an ebook
you just need to press Delete.

To destroy heritage of humanity
you just need a few clicks

with a mouse.
