maanantai 27. helmikuuta 2017

Eulogy for a Giant African Snail

There are supposed big deaths
of Very Important People
that don't really matter.

Very Important People,
allegedly, who seem oddly
inconsequential to the world,
existence, us and the human civilization.

There are small deaths
of small beings
that matter. 

That touch us.
Hurt us.
Make us stand back, changed.

This death of a giant African snail
was such a death.
It had an impact, it affects me.

Indirectly I was responsible.
I could have avoided it.
If I would have known,
I could have stopped
its needless suffering.

A bland man who played in some mediocre movies
which made a lot of money
(without it being down to him)
and in some bad movies
which made little money
(without either being his fault)
died also.

For him I couldn't have done anything.
To him I owed nothing.
His death raised no emotions in me.

I remember making facial expressions
didn't come to him easily or convincingly.
Perhaps it was botox.
Perhaps it was bad acting.
Perhaps, just like with the
Giant African Snail,
emotions just weren't his thing.

He was a good man,
another Very Important Person says.
Who am I to argue with that?
I would have still chosen
to save the Giant African Snail
instead of Bill Paxton.

Electric light passes for life
in this darkness,
rising, fading, rising
like a beating heart,
a chest rising and falling
with each breath taken, desperate
gulps of air in to the lungs,
grasping to each minute
as it falls away to
become the past,
life becoming memories
and death,
death all around,
the darkness waiting
knowing in the end
it will become all there is.


All the prints left on the snow,
no matter the size of the feet
or the paws that left them,
are white. The mark
on the material becomes it,
a memory made visible.

Answer To My Friend Simon

We are echoes in eternity, fading.


tiistai 7. helmikuuta 2017

To My Father

The house is cold and empty
Your bed stands stripped
Your mattress among the firewood
The linen thrown away
Just silence
Inside the walls
Where I kissed your cold brow
Where I failed you
Where I failed you so many times
Where I failed you one final time
Twice you spoke of the pain
Twice you spoke
And I didn't save us
