tiistai 28. huhtikuuta 2015

Freddie Gray Is Dead

Mainstream media cries
that there is a riot going on,
that a store was burned,
a mall is being looted.

A man's spine
was almost severed,
his voice box crushed.
He died.

They knew what was coming,
after Ferguson and the protests
last year they knew.
The civic leaders of Baltimore knew.

But they chose to protect the police,
like they did in Ferguson
and New York
and everywhere.

They chose fire, they chose looting,
they chose rioting -
the leaders of Baltimore
and those above them in the ladder chose this.

When they severed his spine,
when they crushed his voice box,
when they threw him in the van
the police chose this too.


sunnuntai 26. huhtikuuta 2015

torstai 23. huhtikuuta 2015

Voyagers into the Interstellar Space

Rising from the gravity well of our Sun,
reaching out
into the empty void,
my peers, launched on their travel
the year I was born,
drifting between the stars
billions of years after
I and the Earth both are gone,
our atoms engulfed by the Sun
whose reach we never escaped.


keskiviikko 22. huhtikuuta 2015

Earth Day

Sun shining long in to the April evening
For thirty-two years I never saw it there
high on the spring sky
through the tall thick forest of firs and pines
now felled
hundred years of growth

Do not ask for forgiveness
broken minds and hearts
dead lips can't give any

Just change
become someone
who doesn't have to ask for forgiveness


tiistai 21. huhtikuuta 2015

evening scene in early spring

crescent moon
above bloody shreds of clouds
the lights of cars
mapping the road
at the bottom
ants creeping up the hill
beyond the stumps of felled trees


sunnuntai 19. huhtikuuta 2015

edla kangasniemi(1879-1926)

of course it was the mother who died first
the mother who had buried first two of her boys
the mother of the son who ran away for a life in circus at 15
the mother of the son who was left behind by the father after mother was no more
that son who begetted four children but could not be a father even to one
that son grandfather of mine who lived
under the shadow of his mother
under the shadow of her death
under the shadow of the family
that suddenly was no more
when he was 12

After winter, before spring in a changed climate

The new, fifth season -
the second autumn, the pre-spring
a wasteland between winter and spring
to cross under cloudy skies
in the old autumn's waste,
but birds... the birds already sing
and on the roadsides tiny coltsfoot flowers,
little suns.


lauantai 18. huhtikuuta 2015

We are always living the past

There is no present,
only the past,

We are always
just missing it,
the present,
those seconds
already falling away
in time.

All we have
is a memory,
the shortening future
turning into the past
without a present,
like water vapour
to frost on Mars.

Of Saigyõ(1118-1190)

Watching from the sidelines,
on those roads beyond the gates
composing conversation
with life, religion, nature
as power shifted hands
and sea took child emperor and court...
So far away from his time
as one of the old emperor's
youthful playthings in armour
that he had to come up with
a world of his own,
world of words and memory
made into words,
religion the unchanging change
behind a crumbling order
and clashing swords,
blood on the fields.

on an april day

muddy yard
pool of water
reflecting clouds
bare branches
the deep silence
of the saturday afternoon

birds are already singing
of spring
among the falling snow
of april


maanantai 13. huhtikuuta 2015

with unchained anger

my paternal grandmother died on april fool's day
after a life time of sorrow disappointment and hard work aged 53
the last cruel joke from god or cosmos or fate
that could not care less

like my mother aged 58
to the last
she dreamed
of something better
moving out
last travel
to somewhere
where it would be better

for them
i hate those
who see order and plan
in the universe
a hand of god karma
who think justice will be done
that in the end all will be right
that we must take live as it comes
accept all

no we must be filled with rage
rage and hate
for the fate of human in this universe on this planet this society this land
against those who think demand preach write we should accept it all
hate and rage
will uplift us
save as as much
as we can as individuals nation society civilization species

hate and rage
trust them
embrace them
show them
with unchained anger

i not I
the lower-case letter
just perfect
for me

To the raging wind
which tears down towering trees
i give my sorrows to carry


maanantai 6. huhtikuuta 2015

Of time, again

There might not be time
as the scholars say

but there is a sense of time
and a sense of loss

that perfect moment
you can return to

only in memory
until it too grows dim

Beside the fallow field

A stone upon a boulder
like it has
ten-thousand years

& I
sitting beside it
this early spring


keskiviikko 1. huhtikuuta 2015

From the branches of Yggdrasil,
knowledge Odin sought,
night and days hanging,
the fruit of wisdom
no snake had to tell innocents to pick;
he picked it himself,
the father of gods,
rising from the dead.
But no hidden knowledge revealed
would save him
from the wolf-son of the Trickster;
truth his first death gave to him.
