tiistai 30. joulukuuta 2014

It's raining water now
in the darkness of the December evening
and from beyond the fallen forest
the sound of a grader
still clearing the highway
from snow

Poetic Epistle to Humanity

World doesn't need mercy
world doesn't need 'charity'
world doesn't need 'kind works'

from those living in wealth
from the privileged
from birth or ennobled by money

We must show no mercy
We must show no charity
We must show no kindness

towards the wealthy
towards the privileged
from birth or amassing of fortunes

We must make a world
where there are no privilege to be had
where there are no fortunes to be gained 

We must make a world
where there is no need for 'charity'
where kindness is no cause to be praised but normal

We must torn down this order that ruins our world
We must torn burn the wealth of thieves
We must trample privileges of the few under our feet

Reading the obituaries of authors
who translated

Seems like every week
there dies an author,
who beyond labours of
his or her own work
translated that man Shakespeare.

Just wonder how many
of their own works
are left untranslated
when other authors
keen to get on their obituary
the honorific "translated Shakespeare"
put them aside to give the world
one more Romeo and Juliet,
yet another Julius Caesar,

Culture is kept up,
as a working machine of memory,
with repetition,
but it doesn't progress through
piles of Shakespeare in
hundreds of languages
translated again and again.

Let Shakespeare be,
o translators,
for a generation,
and give us works of your peers
still breathing!


lauantai 27. joulukuuta 2014

American Sniper

Even the saddest stories have some
flickering of hope or joy
and the story of Chris Kyle
is no different;
after so many bad things
it finally
had a happy ending;

The killer killed.


perjantai 19. joulukuuta 2014

The days of mid-December
are black-and-white,
from the white snow and black forests
of the brief daylight
to the deep ocean of ink
that engulfs the land
when the pale light withers.

In these two colours
the mind makes it's home
of cold and dark,
shivers contemplating bleak memories
as the dour hours of the long night
and the gray aching light of day
come and go,
come and go.


torstai 11. joulukuuta 2014

The night is ending
into a black winter morning.

It's raining, water
washing off the snow
that fell during the evening.

Back inside I read the poems
of the dead,
in which they still gaze from
long crumbled towers
on the Yangtze
after sails
carrying friends
into fates long forgotten.

Dust, the poets
of the T'ang and the Song,
water the snow
of yesterday, Villon,
all bound together
by the void of non-being
in which our
words sparkle.


perjantai 5. joulukuuta 2014

Foggy, barely freezing day,
frost on the fields

back from the store
drinking coffee beside
the window

watching the trees
vanish into the fog,
deepening darkness.


torstai 4. joulukuuta 2014

Memento vivere

Rejoice now,
for the days
are short
and fleeting.

Every moment in our lives,
every happy day
spent with our loved ones
is borrowed from the eternity,
from those endless days to come
when their laughter
and the joy we feel hearing it
are both silent, unfelt.

The birth of a poem

A poem isn't born
on the moment
when it is composed by the poet;
a poem is born
when an another
reads the words
it's made of,
awakens it
building a bridge
between two minds.


tiistai 2. joulukuuta 2014

A Climate Changed

It's December,
the land bare from snow,
an autumn that just goes on
and I remember
the long "spring",
a second autumn;
half a year of autumn
without green or white,
a world changed
by the human industrial touch.

Hope is a medicine
some of us
can take only in
small doses.


maanantai 1. joulukuuta 2014

In the evening in my kitchen with the main lamp turned off

I'm drinking coffee, with milk
and eating piece of coffee cake
which crumbles when held
between my fingers, sending
small pieces falling on the table,
little light brown morsels against
deep brown lacquered wood.
The coffee mixes with the cake
and the blood from my gums
in my mouth and I know
I would never eat it
if I could see it as it is,
in my mouth, this mix.

Dead are clay
easily molded in the hands
of posterity, which
makes of them whatever
suits it.

What is left of childhood dreams?

Bound to Earth and it's soil,
I shall never walk the sands of Mars
I imagined under my feet
in my childhood days,
but there is a bright star on the horizon
over the dead desert
where water once flowed
in now empty streams
and that bright star, Earth,
is me and you too,
on the sky above Mars
and the steps future shall take
on it's dunes and glaciers.

Afternoon on 1st of December, 2014

Thus dies the day,
transforming to the starless night,
in the darkness
vanish all forms
and all is black.
No light,
just the absence
and thoughts infected with the night
make the mind troubled
during the slow voyage
into the gray morning
when no sunrise
shall be seen.


tiistai 25. marraskuuta 2014

I'm tired
my stomach is reacting to stress again
have to worry for so many people
yet never enough
a scare yesterday
followed by one today
aching belly
and a tired mind
to carry me through this night
on the black tide of coffee
I can't sleep wake
to some new scare
better to be awake
read and sit in the bathroom
as legs go numb


maanantai 24. marraskuuta 2014

If you can't cry for those
dying now,
don't cry for those
who are but skeletons
in mass graves.
Tears can't revive the dust.


tiistai 18. marraskuuta 2014


in the end
we all shall
embrace the earth

our great mother

and it shall
kiss our crumbling bones
our ash

in aeternum resonat

all who we have loved
we must give back
to the world

all who we have lost
we must give back
to the cosmos

ourselves in the end
we must give back
to the nature

above the fields of snow
melting away

winter melting away
for autumn to

from our hands
the gifts
of life and death

to all
of the world

and to you
of all people
I gave death


sunnuntai 16. marraskuuta 2014

everything coils around it still

mist and remains of snow
among the remaining trees
the clearing hacked
in our lives
the loss forever there
my mother
the un-beating heart
of our lives
your absence
the stumps
of our lives
still here


tiistai 11. marraskuuta 2014

A Poetic End

I pitied Edgar Allan,
thinking of his last days
kidnapped and drunk
forced to vote again and again.

But then I read
he supported slavery
and thought
it was a just end for him.

Supporting the enslavement of others
never believing it to happen to him,
I just wonder if he had any regrets
during those days of bondage.


perjantai 7. marraskuuta 2014

Ars Poetica

Poetry can be a painting
made with words,
poetry can be a dagger,
it can be a salve
and it can be a soap box
but it should never be
just one of the above.


so bleak
these forest roads
on this november
afternoon darkening
the hamlets
fields on land
that never gave much
the dark waters


torstai 30. lokakuuta 2014

When a rich man dies,
it's a poor woman's joy.

Don't complain that
it's in bad taste.

When a poor man dies
a rich woman doesn't notice.

c. m. bowra 1898-1971 in his later years

fat don
with a falling face
still after
all those public school boys
raped by their headmasters
rectums with lesions
to give with
the old slumping dick
some oxford tutoring


tiistai 28. lokakuuta 2014

"there is someone worse than us,
so don't blame Israel",
they say, the zionists,
like I would be on a mission
to find the worst single state in the world
instead of opposing evil universally

a coward blames the victim
to avoid being the next one
ensuring there will be a next one


sunnuntai 12. lokakuuta 2014

torstai 9. lokakuuta 2014

Throw a stone,
liberate yourself
in action
if you can't
liberate your body
and your land.

Cave art from Sulawesi

Stencils of hands turned to dust,
red paint
all that has been left
for forty-thousand years

blink of an eye

Pale green, orange, yellow and brown
- the fallen leaves on the ground,
the autumn collected.

Every fallen leaf in autumn
is a a complete story
of life, death
and rebirth.

Lutwidge the Snark

Those who want to hide
what they are
build labyrinths
for explorers to get lost in
instead of seeing
what was before them,
the burned pages of diaries
which family didn't want
to be seen.

Do not reach for the beauty
which doesn't itself recognize yet,
only the blossom which opens in self-awareness
shall long be the joy of others.


sunnuntai 5. lokakuuta 2014

Only radical people change the world.
in ideology or in mindset,
only preserve what shall fall,
either through the axe of the radical
or the slow decay of time.
And even this,
so long defended
was the work of radicals
of bygone eras.
From the very beginning
of his work of faith
has the preserver lost.


lauantai 4. lokakuuta 2014

of time

the past
a depository
of memories

and imagined

a path
through life
geological eras
through cosmic history

and we
we have the honour
to be included

when 'today'
is no more
and we

as true
and lifelike
and imagined

shall be a part of it
turning to dust

Just like hiding a great vice
behind a small one

you must hide a great virtue
behind a small one

and hope that the world
forgives you at least that

Think of death
as a state of being

and then
think of white sheet of paper

Death is not like that
there is no promise

like the sheet contains
of existence

there is nothing
that is the point


We can't accept death
because we can't understand non-existence

It's not sleep
no matter what you made
Socrates say, Plato

Dying is dissolution
death is nothing

Not even a void
Not even a hope

from the void born
you return to the void
like a universe
from nothing
to nothing
and between

sounds of rain
from the dark
beyond the windows

lost the hour
the time like frozen
in black
in rest

night and the world
opening away
in to the void
the existence

under the clouds
stars hidden

like words


lauantai 20. syyskuuta 2014

Mundus senescit

Reading Issa in the lavatory
can't really agree about flea bites looking lovely
even on a beautiful girl
stress and bad diet
keep me turning pages
as wind howls outside
No world of dew this
but a muddy pool of rainwater
where we float
fallen leaves
bright in the murky light


perjantai 19. syyskuuta 2014

To Fingal O'Flahertie from Dublin


The problem with Dorian Gray, dear Oscar,
is that one simply doesn't care about him;
a beautiful butterfly turns into an ugly one
thanks to the soot of industrial revolution,
but so many beautiful butterflies remain pristine
that one turning ugly,
figuratively, literally, secretly and openly,
simply doesn't matter.
Let it be a moth that flies into a flame,
at least that will be remembered
still in the morning
as an anecdote to tell to others,
but butterflies - the meadows and fields
are full of them
and their hidden secrets.


Mirror to his society,
mirror to his class -
but there are so many others
that serve the same
in their non-fictional existence
from Edward the Bordello Prince of Wales
to the barefoot slum kids
coughing their sick lungs out
among the blackened tiles
of those working class wards
where the Dorians went
only to prey on the weak
and the young.

non omnis moriar

forgot to take my medicine yesterday
after coming from the lab
so dizzy day today
headache making excursions in the frontal lobe
made a walk in the autumn
falling as thousand yellow leaves
thought about when i last ran
couldn't remember it
fresh air in the lungs
momentary relief
back here inside
among the dust of passing life
a cup of coffee
still sore about scotland
listening to haydn of all people
praise to maria theresa of austria
too polished
too calm
too much Vienna
too much time inside
in these rooms of memory
too few white tablets
too few
walks without destination
where you just lose everything
but the forward carrying motion
through space and time
in that moment
that motion is enough
to keep everything else away
a pocket universe
free of thought

an autumn scene

the scattering wind calmed
the fallen leaves of birches
yellow and brown
wet and crumpled
on the ground
under the still green aspens
the oak that climbs
to the sky
more each year

looking back

all our dreams and hopes
dust and ashes
dust and ashes

we lost
we lost it all
we lost you all

gave nothing
but failure

how we betrayed you
how we betrayed ourselves
how we betrayed

our dreams and hopes
all of them
ashes and dust


torstai 18. syyskuuta 2014

In auctumnus

Autumn forests
in the pale light
of the September Sun

the songs have ended
the nests are empty
now it's time for jackdaws

yellow leaves
like the brief thoughts

the mind entertains
on these walks
outside the frame of thought

of warm, long days
and warm, white nights
of gone summer

the autumn has it's own
thoughts, these brief
sentences that slip away

like breeze lifting them
beyond the reach of thought
and to the damp muddy earth

now the winter is coming
the long dark days
of pure white and chill

with it's own heavy thoughts
that tie one to the frozen ground
under starless sky of clouds

so long until
in the earliest spring
the autumn returns

these empty roads
these empty forests
where the last year

this year
to bring forth new life


keskiviikko 17. syyskuuta 2014

De bene esse

We have become
the light of a waning autumn evening,
tired, old
and caressing all we see
with fragile, tender hands.


tiistai 16. syyskuuta 2014

you are the blade
that pierced my life
cutting deep

cutting wounds
that can never close
wondrous wounds

whose raw edges
are pain of love


maanantai 15. syyskuuta 2014

Do not weep
for those who have gone
under the earth
for they sleep
in their mother's embrace
and with all
the generations of their forebears
all the burdens of life
are over for them
and we ourselves
shall soon be tucked
into the mother earth's
and this brief
moment of existence
shall separate us
from them
no more
