lauantai 28. syyskuuta 2019

at the fountainhead of creation

the secret of the universe
is that there is no secret
just questions
without answers

cut off from existence

we are unable to differentiate
the world from ourselves
but the world is quite capable
of differentiating us from it
when we die


to an individual human being
there is no practical difference
between the end of the world
and their own death -

and after their death,
no other kind of difference either
as there is nothing
beyond death

no world
in which their life
would have been weaved in
to continue in some form


perjantai 27. syyskuuta 2019


At the end, when all is soon over
but for the long dusk
before the night falls,
I am drawn back
to those books that once,
decades and decades ago,
drew me on to foolish dreams
of a vague future of accomplishments
- a mirage of life worth living
that died a coward's death in retreat
to bastions of childhood, keeps
that couldn't have stood
what the world threw on their aged walls,
even if not betrayed from within
by the same blind fear;
embers in the twilight,
these printed memories,
set to to turn to ash.
It was not all in vain, no
- it was worse: The world
that cradled me, the loving
people that sheltered me,
gone in the flood waters
of my shattering mistakes,
drowned in endless silence
as I pathetically hid
in the memories of what I
degrared, betrayed
and destroyed.


torstai 26. syyskuuta 2019


So, it's over -
to each in a different way;
preparing to die,
preparing to move
- and just to stay,
frozen in the moment
spread over years,
until light fills
and erases it.


sunnuntai 22. syyskuuta 2019


The summer doesn't end.
It goes on, 
it takes over the days
assigned to autumn;

the leaves don't fade,
the leaves don't fall,
chill wind doesn't blow
rustling bare boughs.

Summer is here,
in the lush green leaves
abundant on branches,
summer is here

in the shortening late September
days; in warm sunlight
dancing on green leaves,
waves of light

where cold rain should
beat brown leaves,
drown them in pools
of muddy water.

The summer doesn't end.
It goes on,
it takes over the days
of autumn, reaching for winter.



We bury the dead
in the dry soil of the past,
we bury them there
as seeds for our own memories,
to blossom in our minds
when our hand reaches
for them and finds nothing.

We bury the dead
but to carry them
with us; to mix them
with ourselves in our thoughts
twining them in the essence
of our being, so that
they might last and we might live.

We bury the dead
and become living tombstones for them
- in us they sleep, like seeds;
tears are the libation
we pour to call forth
their shades
to talk again to us in our dreams.


perjantai 20. syyskuuta 2019


You read the obituary
of that person who led
such an amazing life,
and now is gone

and with regret say
how you envy that
person of what they saw,
their life worth living for.

You in your little sphere,
dreaming and longing,
stuck in the mundane,
in these repeating days;

how you wish
you would have lived
like that dead one did,
who, you say, truly lived.

How you wish you would
have broken the rusted chains,
soared from the
gray, monotonous jail;

Yet, it is you
who lives,
who breaths,
whose mind swirls with thoughts

it is you who has
the light of this
day in your eyes,
the air in your lungs;

it is you
who sees this time
denied to that
person of fame;

it is you
who has the
existence, the future
- for now.


I wake to night, to darkness
both outer and inner,
to the knowledge of loss;

all the things I held
on the palm of my hand,
thinking them eternal to be

- and they were 
butterflies in early autumn air,
fragile before the coming chill;

how bitter the flood of memories
that comes crashing on the virgin soil
of my mind wiped clean by sleep.

This you had, this you lost
- this you gave up
because you did not act.

Now you wake up to darkness
both inner and outer,
and lament your fate

- but they don't wake up
from dreamless sleep,
they don't have your luxury of regret.

Theirs is death,
yours is life - which
you cheated from their hands.


torstai 19. syyskuuta 2019

keskiviikko 18. syyskuuta 2019


I grew up to die,
just like you
- and him and her;
that is all we do;

there is nothing
more to life
than this:
You are here to die.

Whatever you do,
whatever you gain,
remember this:
It just sets up the moment you die.

You think you have love,
you think you have famve,
you think you have wealth,
but it's there just to frame your death.


maanantai 16. syyskuuta 2019


It's half past eight in the evening
and children on the edge of puberty
are still playing in the kindergarten's park,
and walking slowly past
on my way from the store,
eating a fair trade hazelnut chocolate bar,

I wonder why they are really here,
swinging and laughing happily
in the chill, darkening autumn air,
instead of playing video games
and chatting to their friends on mobiles
in the comfort of their warm rooms?

Yet here they are, half a dozen or so,
only people in sight, girls ands boys,
like ghosts out of time,
clear voices ringing without malice.
Taking a gulp out of my sugar-free drink
I ponder it, aghast.

Shouldn't they be with their noses on
their devices' screens, disregarding calls to dinner,
killing each other on Fortnite,
gossiping on pop stars on WhatsApp?
Yet here they are, in the gloom,
when lights in the old houses flicker on.

What has gone wrong here?
How did we fail them?
When did they get addicted
to swinging through the clear night air,
talking face to face?
I'm sure it's all parents' fault, or society's, or both....


There is a great conspiracy
to hide from you the truth,
to keep you blind,
unaware as long as they can;

Your parents are part of it,
your grandparents too,
and uncles and aunts and teachers
and all the rest, except
the crazy and bitter few.

You will find it out one day,
and then you can't escape it;
it will haunt your days and
torment your nights,
it will make the world different,
a bleak charade,
and leave a hole in your soul.

It's a simple thing,
a devastating truth,
not much and enough to rip
your universe to shreads.
It's just this:
Life really sucks
and the longer it goes,
the worse it becomes:

Your hopes will turn into disappointments,
your dreams will end up in the gutter,
all your illusions of yourself shredded,
all you grab from the world
will leave a sour taste
and turn out to be petty things,
less than nothing,
the day you reach the cul-de-sac
and the truth
pushes the serrated blade
through your guts.


You can't leave a mark in the universe
to last beyond your passing;
even the cosmos itself
will not leave one in the multiverse.

We are phantoms in a mirage,
without substance.
Look around you, all that you care
for: It is nothing. You are nothing.

Nothing matters, all of this will pass,
we will go and vanish and the stage
of human dust and blazing stars
will follow us. All, nothing.


sunnuntai 15. syyskuuta 2019

you think

you think poetry matters
but then you think that about everything
even breathing

you think that
& I can't convince you otherwise
but really, to be honest
nothing matters

it's all in vain, everything in life
without meaning
just mist
we pretend to be granite

I shall let you have
your illusion that Sappho enduring 2600 years
would mean something in a universe
where stars can live trillions of years
(while getting the last word,
that I will let myself claim)

breathing stops
time deletes poems
flesh falls away from Homo
left in geological strata
humanity dies a second time
as the aged Sun immolates the Earth
& AIs run simulations of us in the cold of the Oort cloud
& again
you believe that poetry matters
whether they get the fragments right or just make them up
& who knows whose simulation this already is?


lauantai 14. syyskuuta 2019


it has ended
what was our existence
no arcadia that yet
empty hours spreading
abandoned ways
to bleak time
we survivors withering
leaves on your tombs
so hard to bear the absence
those moments
when it was all worth it
and we were
together clinging
to what makes days into lives


The lingering embers
of what was our life
barely light the dark night,
but if I touch them,
they still burn my fingers.


To James Thomson(1834-1882)

Dreaming, misguided dust
given shape of an ape -
that is you, human being,
slouching half-blind from
the warmth of the womb
to the colder rest of the tomb.

Aeons live in you, visions
of eternity spring in your mind,
you feel set for the infinite
- yet your days are brief,
your travel done quick;
so soon you find the chill of the grave.

Between the first shocked cry
and the last desperate, gasping breath,
dreams you hold briefly flare and die
in the knowledge of your fate.
Dreaming, misguided dust
you return to the birthing night.


torstai 12. syyskuuta 2019


One day we will be dead,
and we can't believe it
- not even when we walk
among the tombs
hiding generations.

There lie in the soil thousands
of people whose minds
told them 'You are immortal!
You can't die! Others,
yes - but not you!'
on each day of their lives
and all of them gone,
all of them bones and dust.

Not even when we
come upon the names
of those we knew,
those we loved
and who loved us,
can we accept
that death is our fate.

We see their names,
read the dates
we can't forget,
we know they are there
deep in the ground,
what in matter remains
of all their years.

Yet we still
hear that voice in our mind
telling us
of our own immortality,
of a life without an end;
a siren's promise
that there will never be days
to which we won't awake.

This comforting madness
of humanity -
this inner, unshaken belief
that we shall have
more than reason
and experience will allow;
is it what allows us
to get through our lives,
every dreary day
and sleepless night,
keeps our legs firm
to stand on the graves
hiding our kin and friend,
beget more people
to suffer the same?

Do we need to be mad
to live when
we have been
condemned to death;
inmates on Death Row
from our first breath,
spending each day
telling the kind
prison guards -
pityingly shaking their heads -
that we will be pardoned,
while watching others
being led to the noose?


#Poem #Poetry #Poems #Verse

Once, in the Adriatic,
the clear depths of the sea
were like a sky rising
and the buoy's chain
like a ladder to climb
up to heaven.

The sandy shore
with it's people
something almost beyond reach,
and the ladder rising
up to heaven
calling to be climbed.

What made
the young swimmer stop
from diving
down into the clear
deep blue, from
rising up to heaven?

I don't know; I have
his memories, fragmented,
and once this body was his,
but he is long gone
and I left with a question
I have no answer to.


keskiviikko 11. syyskuuta 2019


Coming from the sauna
in the early morning
I am tired; an unslept night,
and now morning dim
and cold beyond
the brown curtains,
and I with the flu,
and lost in this exile
with you dead.

I sit before the computer,
in your old armchair,
listening, tired, eyes closed,
to music like a sharp-clawed
breeze stripping fading
leaves from boughs,
flesh from bones,
time from the decades
that should have been ours.


tiistai 10. syyskuuta 2019


The distant past
(time no one alive today has experienced)
has no meaning
beyond the one it has to us;
those who lived it are gone.
We might owe them,
yet our debt is unpayable.
Remembering them,
recording their names and lives,
what died with their stopping heart,
brings nothing to them;
they have gone to the primal void.
Only the existence of a living mind
brings meaning
to the knowledge of past events
and people. 

A living mind weaves
the most fragile webs of thought
to briefly shimmer
in the fleeting moments
that will die with us.
We can't fight this loss,
we can't accept it -
this erasure
when all we are
is existence monitoring
what happens,
trying to understand
what took place
and why.

We are evolution's futile
gesture against time,
against the end of everything.


Life wanders, a meandering river,
through the landscape of what is the world
in those years through which
we exist, a mirage
of continuity then, an illusion
that it existed and will exist
when we are not
inhaling, exhaling. We
want it all have a meaning,
those deeply carved years
in the soft soil of that landscape,
time running muddy
in the zigzagging channel,
yet it's running from
nonexistence to nonexistence,
from brief meaning to oblivion.
Only these short decades,
and no escape, and
look how it all grows dim,
how small it all is,
this landscape that
is the fleeting world to us.


Pale light at dawn
doesn't give answers
to the questions
of the night.

Bright light of the
day shining
on the fallen leaves,
the still green grass.

Frost that was
touched by the Moon's
white, reflected light
gave birth to the
cold dew drops
of the morning.

Blood spilled
to avenge an injustice
is a sacrifice
to humanity.


gray mist over the bare fields
soft wet sand under the soles
a squirrel on all fours moving
along the red timber wall
beside the old apple tree


People who never could kill
for their own benefit
are often easily convinced to kill
for abstract ideas, for states
and the hope of states,
for supernatural beings
and their honour,
for pieces of desert and high glaciers,
for flags and crosses
and revenge
for deeds done
before they were born.

For a man who would not kill
to save his own life
can be blinded
to kill and kill again
for things that neither
breath nor can be born
in flesh,
he can be made
to build from human carcasses
edifices to the glory
of invisible beings,
and from shed blood
paint new borders.


Gautama Buddha never saw
the Indian ocean,
its great waves and deep,
calm depths of
azure blue.

Trapped inland,
for fifty years he
went from king to king
saying Lord this and Lord that,
bowing his head.


tiistai 3. syyskuuta 2019


We are not a whole,
but mere fragments
of the whole,

fragment among
fragments scattered
in time and space,

& sometimes chance
throws us together
with other fragments

to combine
briefly into something
greater than mere solitary

pieces of the whole,
lonely and lost
in this wide, vast world.

Then we feel and see
ourselves as we could
and should be,

organs in the
body of humanity
made of flesh and mind.
