sunnuntai 31. toukokuuta 2015

Of Friends of Israel

The great moral failing of the philosemites
flocking in "defense" of Israel
is that they think that it is progress
that Jews oppress, torture and kill
instead of being oppressed, tortured and killed.

Just like antisemites in the past,
they can't see the humanity of the victims,
just the ethnic-religious labels
according to which they decide who
can be killed and who can kill.


lauantai 30. toukokuuta 2015

it makes us uncomfortable
say the tourists on the island of Kos
of the hungry Syrian refugees
watching them eat


perjantai 29. toukokuuta 2015

death is the moment
when our active presence ends
and the effects our actions
move forward on their own
until they are mixed
in the great whole of human history


keskiviikko 27. toukokuuta 2015

sunflowers beside the road
little stars bursting in the mind
as we walk
on this long afternoon
one of those when time
doesn't seem to flow forward
(time is a pool not a stream now)
but memories come
flooding the mind
and among them
sunflower constellations
the anchor to this moment
of walking when
like clouds above
all could just float away


maanantai 25. toukokuuta 2015

There is nothing outside of existence.
No hand can push through the fabric
of space-time and reach
the absence of everything.
We speak of void, but void
is full of particles, potentiality.
Void is basis from which matter rises
to existence. To cease
is to lack all potentiality.
Death is the absence of energy
to escape into existence.


sunnuntai 24. toukokuuta 2015

The Final Betrayal

to become part of the landscape
continue as a thread woven through it
a song a sound heard in the distance
an echo of a life a whisper in the wind
my mother wanted her ashes
to be spread in Lapland
the dream she could never permanently achieve
the Arctic shores of Norway she gave up
to have us instead
but you can't do that
spread human remains even in ashes
to become part of the loved land
the endless days of Sun in Summer
the long night of the Winter
so near parents sister and nephew
in the old home county
graveyard instead
another betrayal clipped wings
even in death so sorry my mother
that even now you can't soar
to be the land you loved and dreamed of
because law was put before love


lauantai 23. toukokuuta 2015

Jon Krakauer: Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman

after enlisting in patriotic fervour,
got shot in the back and killed
by subordinates
and the killing hidden
by superior officers.
That's the 'glory' he won.

Reading long dead monks,
all those quests for enlightenment
dust and sand,
those nights spend looking at the Moon
just words on paper,
thousand years have passed
and they are there,
frozen in their own poems
to those long gone moments.

Summer, almost,
and I feel something
approaching happiness
watching the half-dressed trees
dance with the winds.


perjantai 22. toukokuuta 2015

The spring,
so bright light
in the evening
the Sun's long goodbye


in the night,
the crescent moon
over the alder tree
in the deep blue 

Early in the week,
went to the south
- late spring turning into summer.
Yesterday going to the north,
finding late spring again!
But here, in the cold heights,
early spring,
no bright pale green coat
yet on nature's shoulders!


torstai 21. toukokuuta 2015

Lament for Zenobia's City

Her sons dead, Zenobia was taken away to Rome and legend
as a prisoner. Perhaps she married that senator,
perhaps that fifth-century clergyman was really her descendant.
Perhaps. But her sons were dead, her empire was dead
and soon her city was dead, and now,
it's long-standing ruins, hit by artillery fire,
may die as a sacrifice to a new brutal empire
rising under a black banner.
The silent tombs, carriers of memory,
to be stripped to fund the machinery of conquest;
the temples, palaces and theatre
to be attacked with hammers and explosives
to herald the coming of the Daesh.


lauantai 16. toukokuuta 2015

Cloudy, cold morning -
expecting rain
even the birds
have fallen silent.

Something too often forgotten

Suffering is universal
and so is the need to recognize it;

there are none
whose suffering

would be more
or less important

than others,
no privilege of birth

that should make us
care mor

- or less when that perceived
'privilege' is lacked.

A human being is
a human being

and all the ethnic-religious,
ideological labels

won't hide that.
Everybody matters.


torstai 14. toukokuuta 2015

On the Nature of Art

Do you need an artist to make art?

(flash of genius?)

We can claim:

Making art makes an artist
as much an artist makes art,
through one the other is born
to give birth to it.

Art is deliberate creation.

(in the marble the statue
was already present to the sculptor)


Art is not a deliberate creation by an individual
aware of their role as an artist. 

(craftsman elevated by posterity!)

Someone else,
someone with authority,
needs to confirm the creation as art:

Art critic, art historian, "other" artists.

Someone who has been given this authority
by a society or a slice of it.

Only the stamp of authority creates
art out of an object,
an artist out of a person.

(social contract of art)

Art and artist are both communal creations.
An individual in isolation
can never be an artist,
their creations can never be art. 


In the end
stand the one or those who first
came up with the idea of art,
the maker or makers
of all artists.

call for revolution

if word is a poetic object
then it must be a stone
a molotov cocktail
thrown at the world's injustices

and a poem
must be an uprising
a barricade
across literature and society

a molotov cocktail of words

if a poet
doesn't want to change the world
why is (s)he writing
in the first place?

art pour l'art
is no better excuse
'i was just following orders'

if you want to re-arrange
without disturbing existence
go and re-arrange flowers
or a sand garden

a poem should be a grenade
a molotov cocktail
flying through the society
setting it on fire on impact

rohingya refugees: a crime against humanity

adrift at sea

by smugglers
Malaysian navy

and humanity

ten dead in one vessel
thousands in boats

escaping genocide
and not again never again

the empty slogan
we knew it to be

poetry after auschwitz

dear adorno
of the sad gaze

declaring the sentence
for an age

your time

was not special
in evil

except to you
for you lived it

if there could not be
put barbaric poetry

after the gas chambers
after the ash

there could have
never been but barbaric poetry

in the first place
for human history

is a tale
written in blood

by each generation
in it's turn

& the suffering of
each individual

is of equal importance
whether they died

in the centre of europe
or not

& all are
equally forgotten

as the great wheel
of time grinds

into dust


poetry is a message
from the writer of the poem

(some of whom might be called poets)

to the readers of the poem
the people

(often called the audience, wrongly)

who take the dead words
and give them life

each according to
their inner self


to my mother 

the grey sea
under the grey sky
hitting the grey rocks
sculpting them

like the cold wind
sculpts the

you loved it
the shore
that faces the pole

the land
where land

of the death of poetry: a suicide

a poet who doesn't
(at least occasionally)

write for the people
of their time
and their lives,
their troubles
and their hopes

should not ask
why poetry
is dying


maanantai 11. toukokuuta 2015

To United States' Senate
Israel's illegal colonies are more American
than apple pie, Super Bowl, homeless veterans, collapsing infrastructure
and black youths shot with a dozen warning shots in the back by white policemen.

They are American virtues
given architectural form.

Colonialism, ethnic cleansing, Jim Crow, racism, segregation,
theocracy, Zionism.


lauantai 9. toukokuuta 2015

Night Jazz: Stanley Turrentine(1934-2000) After Birdsongs

Listening to the birds sing outside first
in the cool spring air
shouting after the dog
exploring scents
(it was the fox or the cat or perhaps a lynx)
now with a mug of old coffee beside me
clock ticking towards five a.m.
it's Stanley Turrentine's time
to fill my mind with colours
feelings racing around
like there would be a reason
to be cheerful and hopeful
in this world
where you rise up after falling
only to notice
you broke your knee
hobble forward
until you have to crawl
and die beside the road
that's the human fate
but birds don't know
and nightly jazz
now makes me feel
I don't care
when I do
all of us seven billion cripples
hobbling on after some receding dream
fata morgana
until that grave beside the road
is for dug for each of us too

The Spanish Boy: A Life of Albert Camus

There was a little fatherless Spanish boy
in Algeria under the French rule
whose French father had died for France

and in French soil decomposed,
son raised by illiterate Spaniards
in colonial poverty.

There was nothing more he wanted
than stop being an outsider, to be
a Frenchman among the French in France.

To become was to deny, to exclude,
to embrace the Blackfoots as his people,
to make Algeria into France, into Europe.

Those who did not fit, those could not
fit in an European France in Algeria
he muted, marginalized,

to push himself among the French
to become French in France
the price was to silence, to deny -

with word to conquer the land again,
with sentences to make it anew,
with paragraphs to make the native

the alien in their land, in his land;
the land he pushed away without noticing
in his new identity he embraced

to the end; like his father in his coloured
colonial uniform before him,
he in the uniform of a thinker for France

he too, died in Europe,
away from the land that bursted off the mould
and pushed away the Blackfoots

who knew no compromise,
for they, like the Italian boy,
could only accept being Frenchmen in France.

And there he decomposed,
there his grave lies,
a Frenchman in France in his French grave.

For England Made Anew

Let fires make ground for new politics
where votes confirmed existing evil,
let Molotov's cocktails
flying through the air
bring forth a future build of
privilege made ash;
let broken windows tell of disaffection
where pensioners voted in droves
to hurt the young knowing
their pensions were safe -
the world for them in a pension,
nothing else of consequence
beyond the Queen Maggot
and her white corpse worms of offspring.

Ruins and fires, police helmets
rolling in the ground empty, smeared in blood,
pools of blood to paint the land anew
and to make the prime minister
eat off the streets the crap of scared police horses
which ran away riderless,
the power vested in violence unhorsed.

Let there be anger, let there be
violence erupting from anger
and let there be hate,
fire from hate to devour,
to leap from one elite residence
to the another;
let stones through windows make homes
of palaces
for the homeless,
let a nation tremble
in the terrible birth for hope.

After the victory of evil in the United Kingdom

Do not praise politicians for making
"hard decisions", "tough choices"
if nothing ill could come to themselves
as a result of them,
beyond losing power in the next election.

Hard decision is a decision that hits
the one who makes it too, deeply;
tough choice is a choice that
means giving up something
more than votes.

These should result in sleepless nights,
in conscience never giving rest -
at the minimum. At the minimum.
A Rwandan mother had a hard decision:
Which of two chilren bury alive
to save the other. "Mother, this
is not funny anymore",
the child's last words
as genocidaires stood around the
grave with their guns.

That was a hard decision,
that was a thought choice,
that was inhuman,
no politician has to go through that
when they cut benefits
from the disabled,
when they go and privatize
public healthcare.


perjantai 8. toukokuuta 2015

 An organism

Read Herman Hesse and Santoka in the lavatory,
diarrhea again,
took urine samples to laboratory this morning,
all those things remains of what go through us
like those words I read -
what will the words leave behind?
What of them will become me,
what will drive me forward
and what end up flushed down the toilet?

So much can be told about us
by medical staff and archaeologists alike
based on our faeces,
but that what remained with us
no coprolite, no urine sample
will reveal. It became us,
we became it,
what we became perished,
except those words we left behind,
the facade of our wisdom.


torstai 7. toukokuuta 2015

For A Better World

As long as there is violence,
let it be revolutionary violence.

As long as veins bleed dry,
let them bleed for humanity.

As long as there is injustice,
let there be fighters for justice.


keskiviikko 6. toukokuuta 2015

Clear, light blue morning air
at five twentyseven
on the sixth of May
and a bird starts singing,
then another,
in the trees that remain
after man and storm
came and went
in their fury.

At least no blood, like with Francis Drake

Flushed the toilet,
once again diarrhea
my nightly companion.

Sitting there, I read
Santoka. Dead for
seventyfive-years, yet

walking in
the rain, still, the
poor drunk poet
on some mountain
path that leads
only to loneliness.


If you want people to reach for the stars,
don't force them to live in gutter.

They won't be dreaming of the stars there,
much, but of drowning you in the sewage.

The Official Martyr That Justifies the Killing of Unofficial Ones

A young man looks from the photos,
serious in uniform, smiling without one.

Different sources give different birth year:
1989 or 1990. In 2015 he died.

He was shot in the head, died after few days.
May he rest in peace.

But they promote him with a message
between the lines:

This young cop was killed
so it was all-right to kill all those

thousands of brown, black,
homeless and insane

we kill each decade
in name of the law.

Yours, the police forces
of the United States of America.


tiistai 5. toukokuuta 2015

Revolutionary Army of Japan

What fine news to end a sleepless night with
as birds sing in the brightening May air outside:

A mortar attack on USA army base in Japan
by a leftwing Revolutionary Army!

Good to lie down on the sofa, warm
with that exuberant feeling that comes of

revolutionary violence against imperialism,
even when it was just two home-made grenades

and I have a breathing mask on my face,
too feeble to do more than write myself.


maanantai 4. toukokuuta 2015

Archaeopteryx on my backyard
There's something extraordinary
in the first flight of a young bird,
that first step into the unknown,
into air, the conquest of that dimension
like it's ancestors so long ago
in their dinosaur guise
reaching for prey, safety
and this day, this little bird
beating it's wings awkwardly. 


I have a right to insult you,
but you don't have a right
to be insulted
or to react,
got it?

But if you insult
my country
or my religion...


sunnuntai 3. toukokuuta 2015

Encounter on a lonely road

Abandoning starving toddler
on the side of the road,
onward rode the samurai
in the monk's apparel.

Even to carry the child
into human habitation
was a deed beyond him.
Distant shrines were calling.
Better than throwing a piece of bread
would have been to still to carry a sword
and end the cries of the starving child
left in the wilderness, Bashõ.

Comment to a man who locked his first wife in an asylum for decades

Time isn't conquered,
time conquers

and in the end,
the long end without an end,

time conquers all matter
and becomes the universe

and the birth of new universes.
Time, you could say, is a god,

and the long end
becomes uncountable beginnings.
