lauantai 9. toukokuuta 2015

For England Made Anew

Let fires make ground for new politics
where votes confirmed existing evil,
let Molotov's cocktails
flying through the air
bring forth a future build of
privilege made ash;
let broken windows tell of disaffection
where pensioners voted in droves
to hurt the young knowing
their pensions were safe -
the world for them in a pension,
nothing else of consequence
beyond the Queen Maggot
and her white corpse worms of offspring.

Ruins and fires, police helmets
rolling in the ground empty, smeared in blood,
pools of blood to paint the land anew
and to make the prime minister
eat off the streets the crap of scared police horses
which ran away riderless,
the power vested in violence unhorsed.

Let there be anger, let there be
violence erupting from anger
and let there be hate,
fire from hate to devour,
to leap from one elite residence
to the another;
let stones through windows make homes
of palaces
for the homeless,
let a nation tremble
in the terrible birth for hope.


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