maanantai 30. marraskuuta 2015

To Dino Barberini

Rest in power

Freedom will come,
freedom will come
and you will be there smiling, Dino,
among the crowd, under the flags,
you will be there smiling, Dino,
when freedom comes to Palestine.


torstai 26. marraskuuta 2015

No ethnic-religious grades in suffering

They tell me "it's a different thing"
when Jews are oppressors instead of oppressed;
I see no difference -
oppression is oppression -
and thus they call me an anti-semite,
and oppression "self-defense",
like the past oppressors of Jews
would not have had their own vocabularies of justification
that attempted to make wrong right.
It's always "the same thing". Always.
Your suffering is no more important or less important
than anyone else's. To know
and acknowledge this is to have conscience,
empathy, compassion, humanity -
things that Zionists of all hues lack.


tiistai 24. marraskuuta 2015

If I change, if I am not who I was,
if it's a different me who again and again
steps in the cold stream and feels
the polished stones under his feet,
my toes,
then the mistakes of the past
would have not been mine
- then I would be a victim
of those past incarnations,
abused by those vanished men
who left me in their skin.
I refuse that.
I am the sum of my past errors.


torstai 19. marraskuuta 2015

TV shows indoor cycling, web wants to tell me
what new there is about Paris and Raqqa
where once Harun al-Rashid had his court.

Bombs are falling, I wonder about making coffee
but there's little milk to go with it, so perhaps
I just drink some water, mug or two down
my parched, swollen throat as explosions
lighten the skies and how many forcefully conscripted,
how many enslaved die with those in black masks tonight?

Its not that I don't care about Paris, but
what about Beirut or Baghdad or Yemen -
eight months of war and the allies of the "West"
have not made a single move against al-Qaeda or IS,
but of that we must be silent, because even after Paris
geopolitics and realpolitik reign supreme.

Don't hold back emotions, let them guide
your support to our rulers, those who have none,
that's what they want from us, in tricoleur
supporting more war while our leaders and our allies
spare no thought to bringing peace forth in place of war.

Brief, brief the light of a November day.
Low, low the milk-gray clouds.
High, high the swift birds rise.

Among the mud and the rain
the fallen leaves decay,
among the mud and the rain
the dead grass lies.

Pale, pale the light of a November day.
Cold, cold the wind over the fallow fields.
Slow, slow the rain falling on naked branches.

All those Yankee Rangers and SEALSs
like insects limbs cut of in hands of boys just being boys
and why not, they are not fully human,
perhaps not even part,
rabid Yankee stains on the globe.


maanantai 16. marraskuuta 2015


The afternoon falls into darkness
and fog, November evening
a brief walk, through muddy pools,
into the starless night. Somewhere
along the way I lost what words
I had gathered from among the shadows.


lauantai 14. marraskuuta 2015


Making history with bullets,
painting the path to greater war
with blood, bodies
as signs - "Go to Syria"
and Hollande, after the
death of the victims and the perpetrators,
"We will be merciless."
In Raqqa the wounded self-declared Caliph
must nod in approval;
what is loss of Sinjar compared
to the deaths that are to come?
So the red rivers
to the ocean converge.


maanantai 9. marraskuuta 2015


Sulaiman Aqel Muhammad Shahin, age 22.

Another death.
Another life taken.
Another car riddled with bullets.
Another body laying on the ground within a circle of colonialists.

"But we are the victims!" say the colonialists.
The living colonialists, each with their gun and smart-phone taking a trophy photo.
The living colonialists, on occupied land illegally,
with the native dead in their feet.

Yes, they are the victims, because... because they say so.
We must believe it.
We must repeat it.
Because otherwise, antisemitism.

Sulaiman is dead.
We see him in photos
making a joke,
with a baby in his arms,
sitting with a Fatah flag behind him,
laying on the ground, dying or dead.

I condemn Israel.
I condemn Zionism.
There are no victims among adult colonialists.
Israel has no 'right to defend itself'.

Sulaiman had a right to live,
Sulaiman had a right to live free,
Sulaiman had a right to live free in a free Palestine.
Sulaiman lived his entire life under occupation.
Sulaiman is dead.
Palestine lives.

Support the oppressed, oppose the oppressors.
Don't let love or hate blind you.
You can't go wrong.


perjantai 6. marraskuuta 2015

At the heart of life
a growing void
where memories like cliffs
by the side of a sea
fall eroded sinking
beneath the waves
of lost past.

Fields of late autumn,
birds circling in silence
hung between
frost and cold sky.

Let the world take your pain away
and give it back to you
magnified, with a rosary.

To Pablo Neruda(1904-1973)

So they killed you Pablo
took a few months or perhaps a year
from an old man fearing what you would say
out there in exile again
racing against death and dictatorship
So they killed you Pablo
they killed you
but here you are still
living in millions of hearts
on pages uncounted
we feel your heartbeat
your voice rising like the tide
on the shore of the Pacific
immortal enduring
sending still lovers into embrace
revolutionaries onto streets
engraving the fallen into collective memory
of the people

the naked branches of trees
along the edge of the clearing
in the silence of a November afternoon
begging something
to come out of the fog
the frosty ground


torstai 5. marraskuuta 2015

a mat of fallen brown leaves
all over the green moss and dead grass
all over the green moss and dead grass
a mat of fallen brown leaves
like memories atop memories

Fashionably politically incorrect

Burning the intestines of
Michel Houellebecq
while life still flickers
in the eyes
of his castrated body.

Martin Amis,
alas, is already dead,
with his own shit
in a pool of his own vomit
and urine.

There they lie,
side by side,
the fallen weasels of literature.
