keskiviikko 21. syyskuuta 2016

when you read this

i was never intended for these things
so how could i have been good in this
yet i stepped in when i should have stayed out
stayed out and walked away
not to find myself now
with a bow and an empty quiver
standing before you
my Saint Sebastian
each arrow a word launched in error
each arrow sank deep into your flesh
when I tried to be Cupid and Wilhelm Tell
my beautiful martyr


tiistai 20. syyskuuta 2016


poor old drunk
running away
into liquor
long roads
scattered along the way
to that final night
when death blossomed


lauantai 17. syyskuuta 2016

William Hope Hodgson(1877-1918)

It's April
in Ypres.

he hears the song
of the
arriving shell.


maanantai 12. syyskuuta 2016

The landscape moulded itself around you
in your vision,
in reality
you mould yourself into the landscape
but in the end
only the landscape remains.

Tom Piccirilli(1965-2015)

God Bless America!
Greatest Nation in the History of the World!
But when it comes the time
there's a brain tumour the size of a tennis ball
in your head,
it's time for your relatives to beg money
so that you could be treated
in the Greatest Country In The World....
One Edgar, four Bram Stoker Awards
and still you were just another
miserable poor bastard
stuck in a system
where making money on extending your life,
extending your death
was the real horror,
a vampire feeding on you
for every coin you had
and for every coin your friends and fans came up with.
"Give it all to us!" the vampire
demanded, and so
a little bit of life
was bought with much cash
and your death prolonged;
money bought you a twilight existence of pain
chained to the system
like a chattel slave, a goddamn
factory animal existing to make a profit
out of your own suffering for medical companies,
insurance companies, politicians.
It was the real horror
which caught you in its clawed limbs
and never let you go.
They sacrificed you on an altar for greed.
Manifest Destiny!


torstai 8. syyskuuta 2016

The mist that remains

Now ghost among ghosts you linger
in silence among the graves,
among the whispers of the life
from whose cocoon you emerged in death.

The flesh and the blood another memory,
beyond the rebirth
shattered fragments form themselves
into visions of doubt and dream.

You once left footprints on sandy shores,
the low tide of life went and the high tide of death came,
and in place of footprints you draw
a vision of life from beyond death.

They come to your grave,
to that stone that hides
what time has not taken
and adore it with flowers and candles.

A cold wind, a falling leaf,
you wonder if you loved those flowers,
if you looked at candles on dark evenings
and saw what you can't see now.


keskiviikko 7. syyskuuta 2016

Of Lead Pellets and Iron Oxide Particles in the Autumn

Chilly morning, old coffee warmed
in the microwave, tired as
usual, a rusty leaf thrown to the ground
from its heights. The cloud
mass without features, milky white,
the coffee tastes bad, hot liquid
traveling down the throat
I think about the millions of magnetite
particles in our brains, how
we came to this, our brains
like Kashmiri faces after protests,
scarred, changing what and
who we are, our industrial civilization
living in us in our
post-industrial existence, 
like those eyeless children of
Kashmir and their comrades in
Palestine. The outside world
is blind, now the prisoner
like a ruler of old is blinded
to make the usurper safe.
A leaf, on the ground, yellow
beside brown. My feet are
now always cold, in this
world ruled by people
with hearts as cold as those
dug from chests on morgues.
Lead and iron.
