lauantai 9. toukokuuta 2015

After the victory of evil in the United Kingdom

Do not praise politicians for making
"hard decisions", "tough choices"
if nothing ill could come to themselves
as a result of them,
beyond losing power in the next election.

Hard decision is a decision that hits
the one who makes it too, deeply;
tough choice is a choice that
means giving up something
more than votes.

These should result in sleepless nights,
in conscience never giving rest -
at the minimum. At the minimum.
A Rwandan mother had a hard decision:
Which of two chilren bury alive
to save the other. "Mother, this
is not funny anymore",
the child's last words
as genocidaires stood around the
grave with their guns.

That was a hard decision,
that was a thought choice,
that was inhuman,
no politician has to go through that
when they cut benefits
from the disabled,
when they go and privatize
public healthcare.


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