lauantai 9. toukokuuta 2015

Night Jazz: Stanley Turrentine(1934-2000) After Birdsongs

Listening to the birds sing outside first
in the cool spring air
shouting after the dog
exploring scents
(it was the fox or the cat or perhaps a lynx)
now with a mug of old coffee beside me
clock ticking towards five a.m.
it's Stanley Turrentine's time
to fill my mind with colours
feelings racing around
like there would be a reason
to be cheerful and hopeful
in this world
where you rise up after falling
only to notice
you broke your knee
hobble forward
until you have to crawl
and die beside the road
that's the human fate
but birds don't know
and nightly jazz
now makes me feel
I don't care
when I do
all of us seven billion cripples
hobbling on after some receding dream
fata morgana
until that grave beside the road
is for dug for each of us too


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