maanantai 31. maaliskuuta 2014

little by little
the world leaves us
a long goodbye
so slow
we don't even notice
until very late
in this rite
of passing
our role

let the morning light
lift you up
from the night's
abyssal trench
into life
the crisp cold air
fill your aching lungs
after the dusty hours
in the dark rooms
where the mind dwells
fed on memories
now make new memories
to hold as a flickering candle
when the world turns
gives you back
to the black


lauantai 29. maaliskuuta 2014

words paint dreams
on the world
to come true
the days
the rain
the wind
the snow
the tears
wash them away
but someone
paints them again
with sorrow and hope
in their mind

moments when the world turns
for you
feel like that they are all one
a vibrating cosmic string
and life
formed around one
changing to it's vibrations
a unity to all these moments
when nothing is ever same afterwards


perjantai 21. maaliskuuta 2014

the quick passing of the reborn winter

under gray clouds
snow melting
the winter came back
and now it goes
down the hill
in little streams

The Golden

In memory of Lucius Shepard(21.08.1943-18.03.2014)

Came in from among the melting snow,
sat on front of the computer,
read from the Locus Online
that Lucius Shepard was dead.

So many books
but one above all,
the one I didn't like when I read it
so many years ago.

The Golden.

The last book my mother ever read.

Now it's a Holy Book.


One of those evenings
turned into night
when it would be a blessing
to slip
into the deeper night.

Giving up the fight

Winter has returned,
snow in the darkness of the night
is ankle-deep
and I have an urge
to make a snowball
and throw it,
but I have grown old and weary,
the time of following urges
and making gestures is over,
I have thrown my snowballs.
The night shall reign undisturbed.

Contre Alain Robbe-Grillet(1922-2008)

Do not fool yourself -
the sins of others
won't diminish your sins
and thoughts
can condemn as well
as action.

Purity is
purity of action
and thought.

It thrives in
as much as in

Sin is self-corruption,
giving up. Deciding
to give up.

The Fathers of the Church
knew it well,
the old reprobates.

State of Grace and Fall

A person who thinks only good
is not good as a result of his thoughts,
a person who does only good
is not good as a result of her actions.
You need both action and thought
to be good.

A person who thinks
or does things
that harm others
doesn't need
the unity of action and thought
to be evil.
Either alone is enough.

Scarlett Johansson

Some people believe
that evil will last forever
and side with it
as a result.


torstai 20. maaliskuuta 2014

Sunlight on snow
on an early morning
dark blue
as we reach
the shadows


tiistai 11. maaliskuuta 2014

the dead cities of syria

it is the same
the name changes
the reality
of broken urban landscape remains

ruins as far as the eye can see
a monstrous hand of war
guided by man

and the city
was shattered
a shell

the dead cities of syria
the byzantine ones
and the baath ones
the old and the new

sheltering the survivors
the orphans
of the latter


sunnuntai 9. maaliskuuta 2014

never forgive yourself
it quickly
becomes a bad habit

the night came
among the stars
bright jupiter
its galilean moons dancing
around the old
catcher of comets

climate change

the spring comes
a fresh cool wind
warm sunshine
far too early
a kiss of death
the beautiful spring

self-hating son of a lace factory worker

self-hating working class man d. h. lawrence
you're one of the proletariat,
do you hear me
among the dead -
for as long as you a read and remembered
you will never rank among
the elite
not even the mere bourgeois
no with that face of an english miner
you are forever one of us
one of us
one of the proletariat

D. H. Lawrence 2

If I had my way, I would build a lethal chamber as big as the Crystal Palace, with a military band playing softly, and a Cinematograph working brightly; then I'd go out in the back streets and main streets and bring them in, all the sick, the halt, and the maimed; I would lead them gently, and they would smile me a weary thanks; and the band would softly bubble out the "Hallelujah Chorus"

D. H. Lawrence(1885-1930)

Son of a miner and a lace factory worker
desperate to be accepted by the elite
fucking an aristocrat not being enough
being published of no importance
he wanted to get rid of
the working class
by killing it
so to be free
of what he was
a working class man

last light
on the far fields
the brown grass
of last year

red horizon
sun descends
the shadows gather
the night weaves
its web
dons the garb
of stars


torstai 6. maaliskuuta 2014

la famille daudet

ironic how
only the bad traits
of the progenitor
were passed on

could write a novel
or a series of novels
about it

but it would
take a zola
to do it
not a daudet

marcel proust(1871-1922)

a parasite is
a great witness
to the sickness
of the host

the stories
it can tell
of it's ill

no part
of the body
escaping the

the veneer
of health
just a facade
for withered

the host is ill
it must die
this even the
parasite saw
