lauantai 27. huhtikuuta 2019


The birds' songs give
leaves to the skeleton branches of
trees; garb them
in the clothes of much
later spring. The water
in the river runs cold
the sound of the black
stream is all about the
season barely started.
Sounds give the
naked emperor Spring
the clothes she still lacks.


torstai 25. huhtikuuta 2019


Enough of middle-class middle-aged men
and their crises, enough of middle-class women
approaching middle-age and their doubts;
it's all middle-class masturbation
by middle-aged (literally or figuratively;
you know middle-class ages people faster
mentally than hard physical labour physically)
authors writing to their middle-class peers,
dull like themselves, without importance:

"I'm middle-class and I drink too much alcohol
and I have an affair although I am outwardly
happily married and have a good job! Poor me!
Let's have 300 pages of this!"

Fuck this shit and off with their fingers
and their computers, off with their entire class.
This middle-class bourgeois realism
needs to burn!


What is the meaning of my life?
you ask, and another,
What is the meaning of the universe?

You both ask for an explanation,
a reason why things
have come into being,
why they matter now
and some goal
their continued existence
reaches for.

You want a reason
outside your own existence,
outside this universe in which you exist.
Some great reason on another brane
to give meaning to this all.

Yet meaning is in the things themselves,
as long as they exist.
Existence is meaning,
and explanation? Biology and physics,
with sprinkle of mystery.

You, this being in time and space,
create meaning through your existence.
There is no greater arc,
pre-ordained for you to follow.
There is no map but the one
you draw as you go through
the universe.

Universe whose meaning 
is in its existence; two things,
one sheltered in another which
it's part of it, and the other
observing its greater self,
drawing maps on human joys
and sorrows, of stars clusters and
super-clusters of galaxies.

Both have meaning
in their existence,
bound, and none
beyond the ripples
in matter, space and time
which that existence creates.


tiistai 23. huhtikuuta 2019


We must not pretend that all people are good;
that conservatives are not evil, that centrists are not weak
when it comes to spine and morals;
that hard-right wouldn't be just far-right under another name
or that centre-right wouldn't starve a child if they could.

A conservative loves a bomb, a centrist pretends to love
a bomb so that those who love a conservative
would love him too; centre-right loves a bomb
because a bomb can replace a backbone
and hard-right loves a bomb because "Deaths!", thus Aristotle proves:

That conservatives, centrists, centre-right and hard-right
are just one and the same, flavours of the
same shit, with one tasting like crap, another like faeces.
They unite, come apart and join again, you can't keep them separate.
Their merry dance is danced around suffering of humankind.


perjantai 19. huhtikuuta 2019


Somebody died for us,
they claim and find it comforting:
Somebody loved us so much
that they died for us!

Not since our parents died,
has there been a person alive
who would die for us.

We matter, we matter
so much that someone
two thousand years ago
died for our sake.

But that someone
rose from the dead
and lives forever,
unlike our parents.

Our parents who were ready
to die for us, and who
did let their other dreams die
for our sake,
our parents dead
shall not rise. There
is no Resurrection for them,
only the grave.

It is them we truly want,
returned to us,
but denied that joy
which would unite
adult and child,
we look at a cross
and an empty grave,
imagine that that somebody
will be a replacement,
somebody who loves us
like only our
parents have.


torstai 18. huhtikuuta 2019


If you worship one genocide
with crocodile tears
and impunity for an Apartheid State,
you don't have do to anything
to stop the genocides
taking place now.
This is the
understanding of the 'West'.


lauantai 13. huhtikuuta 2019


That quest that drives us
through this life we think eternal,
to have meaning, a distraction
from mortality and the void,
from the truth that this is a
mirage shimmering on desert
where everything dies.
We say we want to
achieve something in life,
but life goes away
and there is nothing.
There are no achievements
in oblivion,
no meaning.
We have been erased.


maanantai 8. huhtikuuta 2019


An oasis of calm in the
late winter night;
all my dead resting
in peace in my mind
I am left free
to be devoid of the
tumult of emotions -
the daggers of grief
taste no bitter blood,
no self-pity garbed
in the memories of
past more real
than the husk
I inhabit on these
wrecked days.
No, in this timeless
dark I am
at anchor on a windless,
waveless ocean,
the depths below the calm,
flat surface hold no
terrors. I am,
I don't feel,
thus I am in peace.
