maanantai 21. toukokuuta 2018


One of the good days, recovering
from that bad sickness, recognition
of sins. Surfacing
to where the past glimmers
through today like stones
through clear lake water.
There, in the past, they
give hope and strength, a
shimmering illusion; so
a hundred pages read of Tiptree
and others, rambling
through a friendly world
in peace, Coltrane
from the laptop, sunshine
flowing on the wall, outside
someone cutting grass and
seeing, smelling the new green grass
while walking out to Des Moines
when everyone you meet is a friend
and out there in the kitchen new hot coffee
you can taste even before you drink
it from that singing mug as
Coltrane, dead Coltrane still alive
in his music like Tiptree still alive
in her words, like they are
glimmering through the years,
alive, still alive, still here, still are, still are
part of you, part of the world,
together, all of you together, still.


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