tiistai 25. helmikuuta 2020


Why so bleak, Hardy?
You made it,
even if the marriage
is lacking in love and cribs;
even when they
gave no laurels
that didn't wither
for your novels.
You made it,
like this heavy house
your drew for yourself,
you stand colossal,
unmoving in the
landscape of your time.
What if there is
nothing but these
long, long decades
looking through the
window panes of the
soulless mind
at the tumult
outside your aging walls
of flesh and thought?
What if, when
there was so little
so long, and
now, in the long gray
afternoon, so much?
A man has his share
in time, space and achievement
and yours are plenty
until they close
the fertile earth upon you.
The soil shall not remember,
but it shall not weight heavily
either; unlike these years
you have pulled
atop yourself.


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