maanantai 1. heinäkuuta 2019


Walking in the late afternoon's
ample sunlight, through
the dying village's silent streets,
reading The Sun Also Rises
once again I am trying to make sense
of my own existence via words
written by dead hands.
From the context of fallow fields
with flowers, empty houses
and a lone cyclist under
blue skies, bright green canopies
where I can't make a path
through the maze of life as it lays,
to the Paris of the roaring twenties.
Same human problems
in more elevated circumstances,
same thunder in the distance.
Yet I can't forget which way
Hemingway found to exit
his own maze; if
death is an exit
instead of fossilization in
the deep geology of human time.
To exist instead of exiting
has its own moments of briefest
redemption, when you bear
what you have done
and still want these long days
that leave no memories
to go on, in the faint hope
of a Deus ex machina
or just a metaphorical axe
to cut down the maze itself.
How many have I passed,


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