lauantai 16. tammikuuta 2021


 Long, chill years
took me through the abyss
from the dying Earth
to this alien world,
where in eternal twilight
sparse life clings
to near barren strip of land,
between the darkside ice
and the scorched deserts
of the nightside;
this is the planet of last promise
where all begins anew.

Listening to the sounds
of Earth in its death agonies,
coming through the void
and years, I remember
how I spread my wings,
 golden sunlight
bathing them
in Earth's orbit,
clutching in my bosom
the entirety of humankind,
frozen DNA and data alike,
all the millions of years
that made Humanity,

I remember,
I who shall birth
humanity anew
from my crèches
to this desolate world,
to bleak existence,
the wreckers of the planet
of plenty resurrected.
I, John von Neumann's AI.


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