keskiviikko 4. huhtikuuta 2018


I give away some of your books;
a bag full of books. Not those
of strong emotional value, not those
that could fetch a price in used books' store;
no, just books that have no worth
beyond the words printed on their page
and the lesser, lingering, connection
they have to you. Your hands
have held them, your fingers
changed their pages. You
have read them, entered their worlds and
they have lived in your minds,
mixed with the thoughts and images of us.
We and the books were, fleetingly,
connected in you. So I give away
part of you, and part of us in you.
People we have never known and never will
will pick them up, read them
to escape their sickness, the fear gnawing
as real as the pain eating them,
and they will enter worlds similar
yet not the same as ours; a multiverse
exists through books, endless variation
co-created with each mind reading them.
Their hands will held them,
their fingers shall change the pages
where your fingers moved them once.
A slight, slight connection
between lives ended and lives
balanced between existence and the void,
or already ending, grasping
at the world slipping away. 
These books of yours I gave away,
a web of connection between mortal minds
and mortal hands, a spider's web
of illness and death, and what
reaches beyond the dying flesh
into some fragile unity of minds,
an immortality beyond individual fate;
culture, the crown of our species, not
some dusty carved heads atop a bookcase,
but the books in the case,
the multiverses, branching through each brain
which before the light goes unites with then,
the collective web woven by humankind
through each live flickering in the cosmic night,
flickering in the wind between the minds.


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