maanantai 30. huhtikuuta 2018


Laying on the white mat, beside
the coffee stains with a coffee mug,
reading about white arctic beaches
in pale sunlight as blue waters
come and the foam mingles with snow;
on the laptop running a lecture on the Silk
Road in East Iranian world. Balkh,
did Zarahustra ever exist? Kushanas,
Greco-Bactrians controlling crossings
from Afghanistan to Kashmir. White
mountains rising above green
pastures, snow under the blue
heaven in bright sunlight. World
in bright colours, and the crumbling
towers on that shore, the sound
of the sea, life rising
among the falling snow on wings,
and here, here tired electric light
and curtains before windows, sound
of coffee machine in the kitchen,
hum of cars from the road,
absence that drives to those
distant world through sounds
and words, escape, escape
this which is not life, this
existence to the myriad lives
opening, branching, reaching
to all directions through time
and space, multiplying, escaping
the confines of single lives.


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