lauantai 9. maaliskuuta 2013

One can imagine the fear,
and be thankful
that what the mind can bring life to
is but a feeble echo
of reality, the thing that
happened to those
that died,
those that had to face their death
without a way to life,
without a way to resist anymore.

 And to those that calmly stood outside
the locked door,
to them this was just part of their daily work,
dreary except to those who burned
with the faith of the believer. 
They were full of the joy that
the worst of us feel in places like these.
The rest were wondering
what all workers bored of their work do:
how would the days football matches go?
What they would eat in the evening,
what they would read before sleep would come,
could they afford a new child with the current income?

The everyday reality behind horror.
As people died, others waited anxiously
that they could go and buy new cigarettes,
or go ask the nice girl in the village nearby
for a date.


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