sunnuntai 7. huhtikuuta 2024


I started the day by reading Franz Fanon;
after having ended the nigt by reading
Loren Eiseley: Former all politics,
latter utterly devoid of politics;
in a way that feels political.

With all his nostalgic looking back,
resembling Bradbury and Kerouac,
Eiseley still talks contemporary
issues, human's relationship
to nature and deep time
in their moment
of existence.

And Fanon... Palestine,
Western Sahara, West Papua,
even the holy Ukraine of the 'West'
all issues of colonialization,
decolonializiation. Deep,
all-pervading racism
in how the 'West'
deals with them.

He would have believed
that we would have them
sorted out now, Fanon.
But history took a wrong
turn. To get it back
in the right channel
demands a lot of blood.

And for all of their care
for nature and human
relationship to it now
and across time, these
unpolitical Loren
Eiseleys are at fault.
They recoil from that.


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