perjantai 28. kesäkuuta 2024


Israel and the Jews are not
one and the same. No matter
what presidents in Europe
and the United States say,

no matter what the president
and prime minister, the illegal
colonialists, and the occupation
soldiers of Israel say.

Israel stands alone.
The hands of Israel
are solely in blood,
not of Jews.

We can't demand Jews to
oppose Israel anymore than
any other human beings.
But all human beings should.

What we can demand, vocally
and in anger, is that those who
"Stand with Israel" stop using Jews
as an excuse for their support

for the slaughter and carnage,
stop putting the Jews between
Israel's occupation forces
and justice, shielding

Israeli leaders from consequences,
 hiding the mass graves, the destroyed
cities, the ethnically cleansed villages,
the illegal colonies and Apartheid roads.

And we must demand, unfailingly,
an end to all those war crimes
and crimes against humanity
by the Israeli regime,

an end to the Genocide,
an end to the Occupation,
an end to Apartheid, and
justice and freedom for all.


#Poem #Poems #Poetry #Verse

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