tiistai 25. kesäkuuta 2024


I was reading Ezra Pound walking
to the bus stop from home, through
a road growing over with forest healing
itself from that old human mark
driven through it. The forest leaned
over me as I walked, read Pound's
youthful Provencal poetry with some
reservation, seeking signs of his
coming Fascism. Perhaps it was
simply the rejection of the modern
world, this adulation of a past
mostly imagined, that was the sign.
Or the forcing of his own vision
over the realities of the past,
of the modern world. The idea
that he could reject and enforce, in
words. It was not a long walk,
I came from the trees and climbed
the small hill to the highway,
walked down to the crossroads
where the bus stop awaited, stood
in the hot sun amid green fields.
If only we could use magic scissors
and cut these poets' prime, before
they went foul, and lift it separate,
separate from those radio broadcasts,
the dusk years in Venice visited
by petty Fascist adorers.


#Poem #Poems #Poetry #Verse

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