maanantai 4. toukokuuta 2020


Nobody is truly free
in this world -
some just have bigger cells
than others.

Sometimes you can stand
in your cell and touch
all the walls
with your hands.

Sometimes the walls
of your cell
are beyond the horizon.
How lucky you.

Still they are there,
waiting to be found,
to shatter your
illusion of freedom.

You who looked
in pity at the prisoners
in their small cells,
finding that you

can touch the walls
of your own cell,
and that the walls
not made of stones and cement

are as strong and as unyelding,
as restricting, as those
imprisoning the prisoners
you but a moment ago saw as so different,

and that the guards
upholding the walls you have found
have no more inclination
to let you go free.

What do you do then?
Shall you remain in your cell,
patiently hoping for freedom
or pretending that the walls don't exist?

Break the walls
of all cells, no matter
how large the prisons,
no matter the form they take.

Be free, and let
others be free,
with birth and death
the only confining walls.


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