lauantai 10. elokuuta 2024


I awoke in pale gloom, didn't find
about the time, had  misplaced phone
that serves as a clock and an alarm. My
gifted wristwatch years misplaced,
the wall clock stuck in past, coming
time. I could have opened the computer
and found out, but instead I laid back
on the bed, read and thought, and outside
clouds the colour of white cloths wet,
and rain came and went and came again
in the gloom, outside fixed time,
and I unmoored. Morning, noon,
afternoon, evening - on a cloudy, early
August day it could still be all of these.
It was 10:50 a. m. when I found the phone,
knowing how far I had drifted downstream,
became part of the steady, cooling current,
and the dim gloom outside, the rainclouds,
the soaked landscape, were imprinted
with forenoon. And now, as it rains again,
no apparent change in the landscape
except the size of puddles on the gravel
road below, yet the four numbers on
the laptop's screen say 14:34 and outside
I see early afternoon everywhere I look.


Poem Poems Poetry Verse
#Poem #Poems #Poetry #Verse

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