sunnuntai 11. elokuuta 2024


Apartheid Israel's occupation forces bombed a school
housing thousands of people displaced from their homes
by Apartheid Israel's occupation forces in Gaza
yesterday,  killing over a hundred people, and just

a few hours afterwards Apartheid Israel's occupation
forces were telling to the pliant 'Western' press
that out of 2000-6000 people in the school
they had killed exactly 19 members of Hamas

and Islamic Jihad - among the faces of three
men killed earlier, unaffiliated, supporters of other
movements, a child -  while unidentifiable remains
were being still gathered at the school into

plastic bags, genocide's terrible shopping spree
from human flesh, and a child with an erased face,
carved off by Israel,  lay dead in the hospital yard,
as parents hugged small bodies intact enough to hug.

Forgetting their 173 colleagues murdered by Israel
the 'Western' journalists spread the claim, never
bothering to think - for thinking is not their thing -
whether the excuse for the massacre was a lie.


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