keskiviikko 7. elokuuta 2024


After seeing an image of a nude lady with tattoos.

Strange how mere words can
enflame, while graphic images
that hide nothing can leave
the mind and flesh cold -

one might blame our culture,
that hides nothing, over-saturates
our senses with what should made us
all hedonists, yet it must be more

than merely being shown all
and becoming indifferent. When all
I knew as a boy were paintings
and catalogs of lingerie, the words

in books had this power, the mind
followed the path of sentences
and entered the scene build
with words, then made it its own,

slipped into different skin
or pushed away the hapless lover
made of ink and embraced curves
that had become more than ink.

Perhaps imagination is greater
when fed by stream and not a cascade,
or perhaps the pornography fed to us
throws the door shut on imagination's face...


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