keskiviikko 14. elokuuta 2024


I have not read the news yet today.
I've read novels and poems and I've
written poems, avoiding the deaths
that have been carved in my name
also in the flesh of humanity - as
the genocidaires claim to do their
daily butchering for the sake of
'Western civilization'. So, still hiding
from reality, sitting before an open
window at my computer table, a pile
of books teetering threateningly beside
a mug of hot coffee from I which sip;
the front door being open, a slight
breeze, invited, goes through as I
drink my coffee, thinking of the poem
I'm going to translate but it can't
hide the slaughter in the ruins,
that end-note to an older genocide.


Poem Poems Poetry Verse
#Poem #Poems #Poetry #Verse

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