sunnuntai 4. elokuuta 2024


The fallen ape out of Eden,
driven by his greed, is
running toward his doom.

In his endless greed he
burns the forest, pollutes the land,
and with garbage fills the oceans.

The more he gets, the more he yearns,
that fallen ape out of Eden,
running towards his doom.

The glaciers melt, the seas rise,
the deserts advance like hostile armies,
but does he see, does he care?

His greed, his thirst to own and possess
drive him ever onwards, never does he
stop to look what has wrought.

All he sees is what there is to take,
he reaches for the planets with his fist
reaches to the abyssal depths with his claw.

And all the while the tormented Mother
Earth screams under his torture,
tolling the bell for him.

That fallen ape out of Eden
thinks himself master of the world
while running towards his doom;

from the riches he has grabbed
from the bosom of the Mother Earth
unknowingly builds his funeral pyre.

He shall be his own executioner
on the day that is coming soon,
when he will lit his funeral pyre 

and burn and burn and burn,
that fallen ape out of Eden,
doomed by his endless greed.


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