maanantai 22. heinäkuuta 2024


(The death toll was eventually at least 75.)

Another new massacre by Israel
at Khan Younis, 52 dead and
the numbers rising, three
times those wounded. 

Now imagine 52 people
you know, raise their faces
up in your mind one by one,
and then kill them

one by one, have
their eyes become unseeing,
watch their breath to cease,
say 'This one is dead,

I have lost them forever',
let sand and clay and gravel
fall and cover their face,
then bring up the next

loved one, relative, friend,
kill them in your mind,
one by one, all 52. Feel
a bit of the raw pain

and loss each Israeli
bomb and missile leaves.
Then think of doing
this for 291 days.


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