tiistai 30. heinäkuuta 2024

PAAVO AKSELI KANGASNIEMI(28.10.1913-22.11.1970)

My paternal grandfather was, according to
people who ended disliking him, a charming
man with a golden voice, tall, and a hard worker.
And he became, near the end, a moderately
successful small business owner.

These things made him very popular
with women, leading to four marriages,
but what the poor spouses didn't know was
that behind that facade was an insecure
boy who had lost his mother at 13,

his only surviving brother running away
the same year, their father leaving him
behind when he left for work in Helsinki.
My grandfather ended himself running
away and leaving people behind, all

his adult life, not a single relative
in his funeral, not one knew he
had died, not one knew he had been
terminally ill, and he had kept his
distance to the end, to his credit.


#Poem #Poems #Poetry #Verse

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