sunnuntai 28. heinäkuuta 2024


God is just a name people give
to what they don't know, what
they hope for and dream about,
what they fear. God is a comforting
word, a teddy bear to hold against
one's chest in the night, when
monsters come out of the closet,
when bombs drop out of the sky,
when the freight cars are waiting
at the railway stations with open
doors, when bodies of the plague
victims are dropped in the mass
graves to be covered by bulldozers.
God doesn't save us. We certainly
don't save ourselves. The world
spirals into death and darkness,
like it has for these long millennia
of holy books and dutiful prayers,
these gods we made, fearful
of the dark and impotent
to fulfill our dreams.


#Poem #Poems #Poetry #Verse

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