lauantai 6. heinäkuuta 2024


She had spoken of a beach,
his muse, and he had been on
one, and he tried to imagine
them there, an encounter,
something primal that would
banish this melancholy stream 
death's nearing touch created;
he tried to raise in a vision 
the fundamental things that speak
to the flesh and can let it
dominate the part of us that
thinks and thinks endlessly
and quivers before things
it can't change. But the flesh
was weaker than the timid
mind, mind which in all beings
coming passing sees a part
of its own end, all the years
invested into that other life,
shared with it, no matter
its nature. So the vision
withered, a limp thing dark
waves carried away in silence,
as he thought and thought
about the slowly approaching
death nothing could avert,
and that part of him that
would be gone.


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